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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Monday, February 22, 2010

Emily's Claim of Cyber Bullying

Well, that is just pure BS. It's not bullying to comment on your Apartment of Horrors. It is not bullying to point out the dangers of a light perched on a towel rod in the bathroom. What if Brad fell off the wall and knocked the light into the shower? It is not bullying to point out the horror of a child sleeping like a dog under a crib with no sheets and greige, pissed soaked blankets that haven't seen soap in months, possibly years.

It is not bullying to wonder why the hell you didn't take your child to the doctor until he fell into a coma. And it is not bullying to point out that you don't feed your family enough food if you have one quarter of a spaghetti squash for dinner with no side dishes and that feeds the whole family with leftovers for Dna.

Emily, it is not bullying to have a few paradies of your whackadoodle life. You even said...

Emily has left a new comment on your post "Emily": Braincells, Great idea! I think anyone who is creative enough to spoof us deserves a kudos. (I may even read it myself.) Just don't take our stuff to do it. Here is my feed link. I don't get any income from this. If you want to let people know who you are spoofing, you can send them here. (:http://under1000permonth.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

And then with the following comment, you even supplied possible parody material. You were practically foaming at the mouth to goad us into posting parodies.

Emily has left a new comment on your post "Send us your Emily/Dan material!": How is it that no body has come up with anything? Dan and I have come up with a bunch of hilarious parody themes, including pitching a tent in the Walmart parking lot to save rent money over the summer, saving money on soap nuts by not allowing the family to wear clothes, strategically moving to a flood zone around flood season and saying we're refugees, vaccines containing Satanic mind control, and is human sacrifice biblical. How utterly lacking in creativity you and your readers must be!

So lay of the sobs of "victim of severe cyber-bullying" That is total bulshit and you know it.

You treat your children like objects, and you do everything you can to take away even their smallest pleasure. If you can find even a tiny article that supports your abuse, you run with it. Now you are even taking away their beds and making them sleep in a pile of piss soaked blankets. You truly make me sick.

Now, I'm not going back to proof read this so if I spelled something wrong, make sure to log out of your Emily Blogger account and leave me an anonymous comment on what word I spelled wrong.


  1. I see some spelling errors here. However, I know that you are an intelligent soul and will take them as they are - random spelling mistakes. In other words, one or two words do not a moron make, no matter what Emily says. You don't need any schoolin' at the Babble Basement of the Holies School Time.

  2. Lol, that's my fingers trying to keep up with my thoughts. I just read over the post and spotted my errors, but I'll leave them :)

  3. Emily is just looking for attention and clicks. It drives her nuts that she's missing out on clicks by begin discussed here rather than having people submit comments on her site that she deletes anyway.

    Too bad Emily.

  4. Emily is a whackadoodle for sure. If she doesn't want the comments, she should take down her blog. I have told her this numerous times, but she never prints my comments. So, she will just have to put up with strangers gaping at the horrors in that apartment, the filthy clothes, bedding, children...the incredibly disgusting, bacteria filled and empty diet, the clutter, mess and lack of exercise and fresh air. It's her life, but she put it out there for all of us "cyber-bullies" to comment on. It's a mess of a life, but she loves the blog income and thrives on the controversy.

  5. Yah, I am done giving her clicks too, since she refuses to do anything for her children with her blog money. I just read her blog here.

  6. I think she's a bully to her children, which is far more concerning. She needs to get off her ass, off the computer, and pay some attention to her children who sorely need it. Why is she wasting her precious time and energy being concerned with what strangers on the internet thing about her? Who the eff cares?! Be a better mother, Emily! I am sad for your neglected, malnourished children.

  7. No more clicking for me either. I left her a comment yesterday that - surprise! - wasn't approved. The gist was that she made a comment to the effect that surely Gismola's followers would dislike being referred to as "cronies." She also commented that while Gismola is likely intelligent, her cronies surely were not.

    Well... I couldn't leave that one alone. So, I posted the Merriam Webster definition of "crony," which is as follows:

    Main Entry: cro·ny
    Pronunciation: \ˈkrō-nē\
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural cronies
    Etymology: perhaps from Greek chronios long-lasting, from chronos time
    Date: 1656
    : a close friend especially of long standing : pal
    While I haven't been acquainted with Gismola for long, I'm not at all insulted to be referred to thusly. Further, I admitted that I do not know what Gismola's IQ is, but that my own is higher than average. It's just too easy to snark back at her when she tries to snark using assumptions.

    I also addressed the whole idea that people are "making her feel bad." Nobody has the power to "make" another feel one way or another. Each and every one of us has the power to choose how we react to any given situation. In many situations, as I tell my children, our reactions are the only power we have. End of story.

    Emily is not the first, nor will she be the last, young mother who is trying to live a principled life, using very limited resources. Many of us benefitted from the wisdom gained by those who went before us. Emily's problem is that she puts her life on display, then refuses to even consider the point of view offered by those of us who have been there, done that. It's one thing for adults to make foolish choices, but adding CHILDREN to the mix is what makes those of us who criticize her incredibly frustrated. Her extreme hubristic attitude comes across as a parody unto itself. The bottom line is that if she doesn't want honest reaction, then she shouldn't make her life public.

  8. I didn't think anyone would be offended by cronies and thought it was silly of her to pick at it. I assumed that most of my FJ and Under1000 peeps take what I say as mostly tongue-in-cheek anyway.

    That whole insanity about me being brilliant but using my intelligence for evil was actually pretty hilarious. I wrote her (though I can't remember if she published it) that most of the time I feel I'm barely keeping up with the smart, funny, witty, accomplished and amazing people at FJ and here. Though I do believe I'm smarter than her and she knows it.

    Then again, the kid down the street who wears a helmet, eats his own hair and barks like a dog has more on the ball than this fruitloop.

  9. I wondered if perhaps our Em mistook cronies for crones or thought the two were somehow related and therefore your (Gizmola's) cronies would be offended by being thought of as crones.....

  10. Some of my best friends are Crones. We have managed to survive young womanhood and knowing it ll to being mature wise women. Someone that Emily wouldn't have the brains to listen to.

  11. Exactly, amulbunny!

    Maiden ~ Mother ~ Crone
    I'm starting to get gray hair, at the tender age of 44. I'm not sure whether I'll just let it happen or whether I'll cover it up. I was talking about it with a woman who is older than I am and who has beautiful long gray hair. She said, "I choose to keep the gray. I worked hard to earn each and every strand." Nice perspective!

    Gismola, I think you're brilliant satirist, ala Stephen Colbert. As is often the case, the subject of your writing misses the point entirely.


  12. Thanks, Lisah. I'm starting to think that Emily really misses the point on most things. She's really limited because she has the critical thinking skills of a drunk monkey. She hasn't any ability to see beyond her crackpot theories de jour and, of course, THE PLAN.

    I would love to see her try to keep up in a comparative religions course at an accredited university. I envision her sitting in the front row, sure she is going to educate the teacher, educate the students around her and show them the true light. Yet every time the teacher mentions a theory or idea that doesn't jive with her thought processes she jumps in to correct them. However, her point either misses the entire concept or she is so far out on a limb that she ends up red-faced while more intelligent students behind her twitter and giggle at her. She probably would befriend one person who also seems like a loner, trying to dominate them with her oh-so-knowledgable personality. Instead, it turns out that the only other deeply unpopular person in the class ends up cutting Emily off, leaving Emily completely stranded, a joke to everyone but herself. Until she drops the class yet always eager to tell how she dropped it because she didn't agree with the evil philosophy instead of the truth, which would be that she was embarrassed at her own ignorance and felt small because no one liked her.

  13. I cannot believe she is equating this with cyber bullying? Really, are we 13? She put herself out there, writes things she KNOWS will create controversy, and even encourages it with her own snarky nature, albeit not very good snark, but snark none the less. I love how as she's been getting called out both here and on her blog, how she's transformed from this sweet, innocent, devout Christian woman, to a snarky, insecure, and out-there person. I guess you can only put on a front for so long.

  14. Whenever you say The Plan, all I can flash to is AMWAY! In the plan which is like pie in the sky by and by (hello Reverend Ike) you alienate all your friends and family and enter into a patriarchal relationship that can ruin your marriage. The first time I saw it I said what a crock. Hm, Em uses a crock, therefore she uses a Plan.

  15. Also, Anon 6:06, I quit coloring my hair two years ago. I'm 56 and still get curly perms since I have such thin hair. But I have earned every single one of these grey hairs.
