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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Importance of Being Emily

When I started this blog it was merely to showcase my abundant talents, my incredible wealth of knowledge and connect with other people since no one in real life likes me and even my mother calls me a freakish wackadoodle. Of course, money was not at all a concern to me. (watch for my next Can You Make Money Blogging Post? Hint: I’ve made $20,000 this month alone. Which will be put aside so I can afford my own little extended cab pick up truck in which we will live.) I’ve shared my scrumptious recipes for gloodles and gummy hot pockets. I’ve illuminated my readers about the joys of tiny house living and how an unused laundry room can be a colorful, cluttered place of horrors for two small boys. I’ve explained how mattresses can kill people in an instant and shared the joys of pet ownership by exploring our unnatural relationship with kefir bacteria.

So I want to put this all together and post on what I think the recipe is for a happy life. I think my readers will be eternally grateful since most of them have empty and shallow lives and can only benefit from my genius.


The most important part of life is family. I’m not talking about your parents or siblings. Obviously, if they are poor and have only half their teeth like Dan’s family, then they are a wonderful addition to your life. If they at all disapprove of your desire to lacto-ferment all your food until it is an unappetizing bit of sludge and letting your children play hide and seek in the fridge, then you’re better off cutting them out of your life. I know that my life has benefited from not talking to my mother and refusing all offers to give me access to my trust fund to buy clean sheets and mattresses for my children. She’s just a shallow, materialistic woman who doesn’t understand that living in squalor is part of our PLAN. She thinks that children need vegetables, doctors’ appointments and real toothpaste. She doesn’t approve of soap nuts, thinks Dan is a half-wit and believes that I’m throwing my life away. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I will show her. I will keep hoarding money and keep denying my family anything that gives them joy because I grew up with money and an occasional Twinkie and fresh oven-baked bread and it did not make me happy. The only thing that makes me happy is being in complete control of every aspect of my life, from blog comments to writing Dan’s blog to how many ½ ounces of spaghetti squash my husband and children are allowed to share. I am in control now, Mother. Me. Not you. You cannot dictate my life any longer. You cannot force me to go to the dentist, invest in medical insurance, clean my sheets, sweep, wash dishes, eat lean beef or fresh fruit. I can do it all on my own. Do you hear me? I know what’s important in life and it does not include vacations, relaxation or love. Get it? I’m in control now. Me! Me! Me!


Obviously, any woman who has an empty, cobwebbed womb is a poor excuse for a woman and devoid of any sense of purpose or happiness. The only reason we exist, according to the Bible, is to be fruitful with our loins. Children validate our existence, give us purpose and remind us that our lives are not empty and without value. When you don’t have a real education, any critical thought skills, scant knowledge about anything but crockpotting, talent for writing, talent for cooking, talent for cleaning, career goals, ability to hold down a job other than cashier at a grocery store or any friends whatsoever because everyone thinks you’re a total fruitloop with a bad attitude and bad lemony-scented B.O., you can at least look at the product of your womb and know that you have accomplished something. Of course, once you have let them slide out of your woman cave onto crusty sheets stained from the last home birth, you needn’t really do anything like feed them well, supply them with warm beds and clean blankets, watch to make sure they’re not playing with the power tools hanging on the wall, take them outside, play with them or engage them in any meaningful way. Just having created them is enough to know that you have value as a human being and as a woman. I feel sorry for those women who choose career, their own goals and their full lives of friendship, cocktails, travel, good food, education and personal fulfillment over children. How empty and lonely their pathetic lives must be.


I love my husband, Dna. He is brilliant, kind, funny and sweet. He works hard at his job and even harder at school, especially since he has trouble spelling, writing, reading comprehension and critical thought. Of course, that doesn’t mean anything. He’s just a lazy typer. And not matter how many times he begs me to assist him in phonics and spelling I must remind him that he is fine just the way he is. Many times he has tried to take an extension course in composition to improve his writing skills. Usually I can talk him out of it by refusing to cook him hot pockets or promising him if he stops talking crazy talk like that then I will make him homemade gloodle Cheetos in the crockpot. To love someone is to control every aspect of their lives and have them totally dependent on you so that you feel important and in charge. That way they can never leave you because you are in the driver’s seat. Since I handle all of the money, the cooking, the cleaning (well, the moving around of the existing filth), and working towards THE PLAN, I can let Dna focus on his janitorial career and his schoolwork. Though most of the time I just tell him to color in his Lil’ Jesus & Friends coloring book and I do his schoolwork, write his blog, update his Twitter account and screen his calls so no one from work or school can interrupt him by being friendly with him. That’s love.


Many people say that friends are an important part of life. I believe that’s true. Though I am very, very selective about my friends. I don’t tolerate anyone who doesn’t believe exactly as I do. I am only friends with people who understand my own unique and completely insane way of life. Only those who validate every choice I make are my friends. Any friend of mine must tell me repeatedly how wonderful I am, how everything I do is perfect and wonderful and original. I cannot and will not accept anyone criticizing anything I do or say. Because I am perfect. Perfect damn it. Therefore, the only people I’m friends with are my blog commenters who tell me that I’m great and terrific. I don’t know their names, what they do, what they think because the only thing that matters is what I think and feel. If you don’t like that then I’ll just delete your comments.


You must have a PLAN for your future. There’s no point in living in the here and now. That doesn’t matter. For the time being you can force your children to sleep on dusty, pee-stained blankets in the middle of winter. You can live on kefir water. You can stuff your children under cribs in a room the size of a Port-A-Potty. You can stack clutter and filth up the ceilings. Because you are saving and planning for your PLAN. It’s very important to capitalize PLAN because the future dictates everything you do and nothing else matters. You must eliminate anything that might get in the way of THE PLAN. We plan on living in a hole in the ground covered by a tarp, eating jars of lacto-fermented salsa and staying warm by making suits of cardboard and newspapers. The children will have little bunkers carved out of the hole and they will be happy covered with molding leaves for warmth. We will make sure to keep our satellite radio and internet connection because those are still important to our PLAN. What good is enjoying today if that enjoyment interferes with THE PLAN?

That’s my recipe for a happy life. Anyone who doesn’t agree is a bitter, spiteful, evil, and sad, pathetic bitch who deserves unhappiness and ruin. If you don’t agree and tell me I know you’re only trying to destroy me. But you cannot. I am invincible because I have God and Jesus on my side.


  1. Wow. You hit the nail on the head. You totally pegged her. Well done!

  2. That was amazingly well done. You've summed her up completely in one post.

  3. If only Emily herself could be so eloquent...

  4. I snorted in my cubicle when I read "Lil Jesus and Friends colouring book."

    I commented on her latest post, but surprise surprise - she didn't approve it.

    I just asked what she would do when her kids realized - guess what, living in that house isn't normal and they are really doing without because their parents are too lazy to get real jobs or even work towards bettering themselves in any way. Bible school isn't going to pay for three children to live in their home until they're 18 and neither is Wal-Mart.

    I also asked what she would do when her kids wanted to participate in things like team sports or horseback riding lessons or whatever it might be. Those are all things that cost money, but in the long run? Team sports, especially, have a real value in a child's life as a way to encourage socialization, being a team player, good sportmanship, being a good loser/winner, and hard work. Her kids will be without and what is she going to do when they wise up to the fact that they live in a slovenly pit.

    I hope those kids figure out how to call CPS sooner rather than later.

  5. It must frost Emily's butt that you are the superior version of her.

  6. So I am really confused here and maybe you all can answer my questions. I first came upon Emily's blog about a week ago and was STUNNED to say the least. To put it bluntly she is just weird. I thought at first that she was a homeschooling mom that was just really young and kinda misguided by her views and believes and that she would grow up a little bit and find out that these are not the best ideas. So I got to researching her a little bit and I found your blog, which I love by the way, its freaking hilarious! So anyways, I then found her husbands blog and I became more curious and had some mega questions. At first I though Dan was a controlling husband that had Emily in his grasp, but now I am thinking its the other way around. I am really confused by this guy. Emily seems to defend herself to the n-th degree when being questioned about their living situation and you would think Dan would step in and say, "This is my wife, back off." or back her up and explain why they believe what they believe. But he doesn't he offers one line responses on his blog that are horribly misspelled. His blog is also really weird, a man who is older than Emily and in what she calls a "pastoral" program not seminary like most pastors who are ordained go to, should be well read and be able to form better thoughts and blog posts than he does. Its really weird, really really weird.
    So then I found Emily's other blog from the beginning of last year. She completely contradicts herself in that blog from her current one. Little things like saying that she hates coffee in her current blog but saying that she loves it in her older one, and she dosent even mention her crock pot fetish in her old blog and says that she buys store bought bread. So to go from being like the everyday American in her last blog to Mrs Fundy Frugal in her current blog seems really weird. IDK it seems like she may be writing this blog for money and not actually adhering to its beliefs. I am with many of the naysayers out there saying that most frugal people are minimalist not hoarders. Something is just not sitting right with me with this woman.

  7. What other Emily blog? You mean she was posting before this?

  8. http://emilysbellybutton.blogspot.com/

    Looks like she abandoned it in May of last year. Its kinda weird, kinda frugal but not really. She talks about how she just got a bread machine on Ebay so she dosent have to buy store bought bread anymore. Little things are weird.... again something dosent feel right with her.

  9. Not sure where to ask this:
    Is it true Emily has already chosen a winner for the bedroom redo? Before voting is done? And not the highest count? That sucks!

  10. IIRC she's making her bread in tin cans in her crockpot now and sold the bread machine on E-Bay. I loved our bread machine, in fact I wish I had one now.

  11. I wonder if it will ever occur to anyone in Emily's real-world life that if she were a man controlling her spouse's life as much as she does, she'd be rightly accused of being emotionally and psychologically abusive. And frankly, in her case, by starving him the way she does, she's physically abusing him, and the kids, as well.

    Love shouldn't hurt, Emily. Your husband is starving to death and one kid has already been in a coma. When are you going to wake up and stop abusing your family?

  12. She told me in an email she's going with # 3.

  13. So she's ignoring the contest that she set up to go with the option she WANTS rather than the one that WINS?!?

  14. but hey, the runner-up gets the $25 gift card. so, assuming #3 belongs to our Em then the creator of #1 still wins. See how perfect this is? little dna, booby and that third one will get treated like cargo and when the shelves collapse on them all three will yell loud enough for our Em and big Dna to hear and come walking.

  15. Its all about the clicks and revenue for Em.
    This was all a great hatched idea on her part. Why not have people vote, that means more clicks. She was hoping that people came back more than once to vote.
    Click-revenue click-revenue.
    Screw the safety and health of lil Dna, booby, and Toomy. Click-revenue click-revenue.. its all about Em

  16. Emily emailed gizmola that she received the mattress and is going to sell it on craigslist. She let the kids play "tunnel" with the box though. She thanked giz for the box. Really. If she wasn't going to keep the mattress the stupid bitch should have at least kept it unopened so that she could get the most money on craigslist as possible.

    In her email to giz she also told her that she'd already chosen #3 as the design for the room so she's just leading her voters on for more clicks.

    She then accused giz of lying about being told that she'd already chosen #3 but giz had the email and posted on free jinger.

    There are no words for how low emily is.

  17. I love how today's blog is directly addressing the fact that people called her out on saying she watched TV yet they have no TV.

    I really don't think this can be a real blog. There's just no way. It HAS to be parody.

  18. Come on, guys - are we really surprised that Emily is selling the mattress? It would've made sense to keep the new mattress and use it in the crib for Thomas since he'll need a crib and not a bunkbed for a while. Especially since she's so terrified of whatever gases come off a plastic covered mattress that she wants to make the boys sleep on piles of garage sale blankets.

    I'm determined not to get pissed off at her because I accomplished what I wanted - to try to do something to help the boys. That's all I can do. At least I can sleep at night; I don't know how she does.

  19. I would think a brand new mattress is a better/safe/cleaner option than old/moldy/used/garage sale blankets sewn up.To each their own, I guess!
