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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bonus! Another Dan's Rant retrieved from the abyss!

The following is from www.rantofdan.blogspot.com before it was erased. There is no known copy available to view on the interwebs.

is christmast christian?
it happens every year. in 2007 walmart told employers not to wish there customers a Merry Christmas but to use the more generic term of happy holidays. last year Washington governor Cristine gregoire decided that non Christmas symbols could be placed next to Christmas symbols on the capital. this year president obama has named the Christmas tree the holiday tree. every year Christians are out waged by these actions. they claim that Christmas is a sacred christian holiday but is it?

lets trace the roots of Christmas. christmast was originally a pagan holiday. it was the winter solstice. it celebrated the coming of winter. Jesus was not born on December thirty first. most scholars be live he was born in the spring. the church in the middle ages wanted to take people away form paganism. they decided it was better to alter there festivals then outlaw them. it is like when the blistonia cult got homer to support them by singing the leader song which had been the fishing song. they made the winter solstice into christmast.

no where in scripture were we commanded to celebrate Christ's birth. we are not even called to celebrate his death and Resurrection accept for the partaking of the lords supper. Christmas is a made up holiday. Christians now say that we must celebrate Christmas's. i don't believe it is a sin to celebrate Christmas but it is not essential. i do not begrudge any who deide not to celebrate Christmas. i do not mind saying happy holidays.this is a Minor issue but many Christians make into a capital case. as admiral fitzwallice a an African American chairman of the joint chiefs said on an episode of west wing " i am too busy fighting the real battles i cant fight the cosmetic ones" it is up to the individual. Romans 11.


  1. Thank you! I wonder what the significance of December thirty-first is in Dan's mind?

  2. "Jesus was not born on December thirty first"


  3. I am "out waged"! Who does he think he is, Elmer Fudd?? Elmer Fudd is more inteligent than Dan the man, hehe.

  4. "Jesus was not born on December thirty first"


    Dam spel cheker kepps chagin mi werds

  5. Wow, this is unreal!

  6. Someone beat me to the Elmer Fudd thought.

    I'm absowutewy outwaged by that.

    Weawwy I am.

    Wascawwy comments...

  7. I feel sorry for people who think there must be a Biblical purpose for everything. Why not just enjoy the holidy? Who cares what the "true meaning" of Christmas is? Just enjoy time spent with friends and family and watching your kids open presents. :(

  8. They can't enjoy watching their kids open presents. They spent 10 total dollars on all three of them. Oh...but $50 each on the adults.

  9. What? Dec 31?

    Psssst, Pastor Dan- Jesus was born on December 25th! 25th1!!! Not 31st!!! 25th!!!


  10. Nobody can be that much of a dolt, right? I'm thinking my 4th grader could pretty much out blog Dan the man.

  11. Emily, if you read this, please post the story of your and Dan's courtship, relationship, and subsequent marriage. I would love to read it and will even click on your blog to do so!

  12. They don't spend $50 on each of the adults, just Dan. He needs his ipod accessories ya know. Emily gets to fret over whether or not she should spend money on replacing the broken spatula, and gets "gifts" like pseudo washing machines.

  13. LMAO...he's the most intelligent man that Emily knows! How sad is that?

  14. I am currently teaching 3rd grade. Dan's errors are very similar to student's who have learning disabilities and attend special education classes. We are currently writing stories and practicing self-editing skills. Based on what I've seen, I am guessing he on par for the average 3rd grader in spelling and grammar. How did this man graduate from high school?

  15. Not only did he graduate from high school, he's paying to go to a scam college! As someone who teaches at a real college, I find the situation very depressing.

  16. Wait...does he really not know how to spell Christmas?

    Wouldn't most adults be able to spell that from memory? I mean hell, you are visually bombarded with the word 3 months out of the year...oy.

  17. I really doubt that he's that incapable to learn to proof read what he writes and to structure his writing correctly. I think he's just lazy and doesn't take that responsibility to learn this seriously enough. Having your wife type out things for you is lazy, I'm sorry..it's not forcing him to become better or more knowledgeable.

  18. I definitely believe that he is incapable of learning to proofread, or to structure his writing correctly. Dan isn't lazy, he's pretty significantly below average in intelligence. Basement Bible College is exploiting him for his tuition money, and Emily is exploiting him for...it seems to be some combination of self-flagellation and rebellion against her own upbringing. I feel very bad for Dan. :(

  19. Leslie, you forgot sperm donor.
