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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Monday, February 15, 2010

What a lovely bunch of coconuts

Sorry folks, Emily whined to Blogger, we have to remove this. The comments on this post should still be available though


  1. Really? A post about buying and cutting up coconuts? How boring can she get?

    I know! Next up, we redo the boys' room! Come watch the paint dry on the crib!

  2. Apparently she's never heard of unsweetened coconut. Try reading the package sometime.

  3. What a nutcase she is.

  4. Am I the only one amazed?

    She can substitute an old dress for cheesecloth and feed her family whey limeade, but she can't strain coconut to get out coconut hair? And, coconut juice is normally a little murky. It's not water, the shit doesn't come out clear.

    God forbid she (gasp!) strain it and put it in a cup for her two boys.

    I'm also amazed that she doesn't buy coconut because it contains (evil) sugar. She obviously hasn't looked beyond Dollar Tree bags of coconut.

    Emily is a coconut, and her writing is a snooze these days.

    As someone who strives to experience and enjoy a variety of foods on a budget, I kind of take offense to her extremely shitastic endeavors.

  5. The fact that she makes money writing this boring crap is amazing.

  6. I bet she talks about how regular the coconut made her family tomorrow and how when they shit at the same time period that they can use the same TP.

  7. OMG, a COCONUT? You can buy those IRL? I've only seen them on television- like on SURVIVOR. Wowie Zowie!

  8. She doesn't make money writing this crap. She makes the money when she posts her dimwitted child endangering posts. Or her child in a coma posts. When she sees how her February revenue has dipped, she will again post something disgusting and tragic...or will make something up that is equally disgusting and tragic.

  9. I call shenanigans. After she discards the inedible portions of the coconut and is left with her 1 cup of coconut meat and unconsumable water, that is way more than $1/lb.

    The coconut shell will not lactoferment, but perhaps she can shred it into fibers and use it in place of cheesecloth/old dress when making paneer next time.

  10. maybe she can shred the coconut shell and use the shavings to stuff a new mattress for little dna.

  11. i also wondered why she didn't strain the juice to get the coconut fuzz out? glad to see someone else thought of that too. i agree, kind of a boring post.

  12. The true value in processing the coconut isn't so much in what you can eat, but what you can wear. Truly frugal women like Emily probably justify the purchase cause they can fashion themselves coconut bras.

  13. I was thinking the same thing! Shame on her for being so wasteful!! She could also use the coconut shells as bowls or cups (like on Gilligan's Island). Or maybe to store things like paper clips or other small office supplies. A pencil holder? She could store it next to the magazine rack so Dan always has a pencil handy.

  14. Emily has a cuisinart knife? wow, such capitalistic waste, when something no-name brand would do.

  15. I really think she's running out of material, even more than I did before. There's only so many "creative" (and I use that extremely sarcastically) things you can do in a tiny apartment.

  16. finders keepers, losers kefirFebruary 15, 2010 at 8:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I was thinking the same thing! Shame on her for being so wasteful!! She could also use the coconut shells as bowls or cups (like on Gilligan's Island). Or maybe to store things like paper clips or other small office supplies. A pencil holder? She could store it next to the magazine rack so Dan always has a pencil handy.
    I was hoping she would salvage the shells and make crash helmets for the kids to wear to bed, just in case her cribtrundloft (a word i made up that no one else can ever use!)collapses.

    or she could whittle it down and make a frugal DIVA CUP!

    i wish she would show us how to get the coconut meat out the other way, so she could poke HER eye out!

  17. Very wasteful indeed! She could have used those coconut cups next Christmas to display her gloodle coconut cookies in. Em is slipping on her frugalness!

  18. She can use the coconut shells as bowls.

  19. Here is a 411 to Emily-you did not research your coconut enough, one of the big NO NO with fresh coconut is not to freeze it. Guess what happens when you thaw it? It turns to mush. You should have grated and toasted it before you put in your freezer then you would have useable coconut. If you did not what to do that, because it was too much work. Store it in your ref and use it with the next 10 days. You just wasted your money because you did not do your research.
    Have fun using your shells.

  20. Diva cup, roflmao!!! :D :D

  21. countressrascal, Emily DID her research! How dare you cross her! Are you calling her a LIAR? And you KNOW she doesn't use an OVEN! It's not too much work to use the oven, it's just wasteful. Emily knows what's best for her family, NOT YOU! I'm sure if it turns to mush, she planned it that way all along.

  22. i was wondering about that Cuisinart knife - that was NOT a cheap knife.

  23. I have lived with under 600$ (!) a month and I have never been as miserable as Emily is...
    The difference: I was being smart, was willing to listen to others and I didn't let my pride get in the way...

    If I was Emily I would...
    Get on birth control.
    Move the kids to the large bedroom.
    Get rids of most books (that's what library are for!)
    Get rid of all unnecessary bills (at less than 600 a month I was living without of phone and a car...)
    Get rid of clutter
    Bring the kids in for medical, eye and dental exam and their annual shot. This is where the blog money should go first.
    Get their beds fitted with sheet (you can use your amazon gift cards or get some for amazingly cheap at a thrift store.
    Get rid of Brad
    Start looking for an apartment in a safer neighborhood
    Get some grocery at the food bank
    Use coupons to get cheap personal hygiene stuff
    Get a washing machine for cheap on craigslist
    Or ask one of the other tenants if you could use theirs for a small fee or go to a laudromat...

    What would you do if you were living in the same situation as Emily?

  24. If I were living in the same situation as Emily...
    I'd be on birth control,
    have a thrift sale every year to get rid of the kids' outgrown toys/clothes,
    Coupons, coupons, coupons
    Use that Angel Ministries food thing
    Shop at local farmer's markets in the summer
    Find a neighbor who would go in on buying meat in bulk from a local farmer
    Donate most of those books and book shelves to the local library (tax deduction?)
    Consider listing on Craig's list or freecycle...and also look for stuff I might need in the same place
