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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Snippy Fundy Responds

Emily said...
Yes, I was pregnant in that picture.Dan had a fitness class last spring which required routine excercise. That along with dietary changes caused him to lose a lot of weight. That pic was taken at his smallest and my largest. He has since gained some back.I became obese when pregnant with Daniel. I lost some between Daniel and Bobby's pregnancies, and gained very little for both Bobby and Thomas' pregnancies. After Thomas was delivered, I was no longer technically obese but overweight. I am slowly losing weight, as losing too fast would compromise the breast milk quality.I don't know how to get this through to any of you ignorant and judgmental people, but no one in my family is starving. Everyone eats their fill and Bobby and Thomas are downright pudgy. There is no food restrictions or limitations. Believe whatever you want about me, I don't care, but you are just being willfully ignorant by believing lies spread by those who dislike me.
February 15, 2010 5:46 PM


  1. Emily,

    You know I think you're a fruitloop in many ways but I want to stick up for youo here. You do not have to justify your weight to anyone. I am trying to lose weight myself and I know it's hard.

    It isn't right to snark on you for your weight. The reason we snark about Dan is because he looks positively emaciated and the menus you publish seem to be devoid of sufficient calories. Plus, children need to more food than "grazing" and eating more than just oatmeal and homemade ketchup.

  2. I think what is horrifying people is that she is starving the rest of her family and she is clearly not starving, for lack of a better term.

    I'm chubby myself, but my family isn't starving. They are a healthy weight.

  3. After seeing the picture and reading your post Emily, I know might have a better understanding of your menu or food choices. I believe you are trying to create some sort of frugal weight watchers for Dan.
    In purchasing the exercise class membership it is in my belief you wasted good money that could have been spent in other regions. Walking and once stamina is built up to running is free. There is many at home stretches and exercises that can be done for free! You can find great programs for free on the internet!

  4. I totally agree with Gizmola. And if you want to ask why she doesn't look as thin as Dan if they are eating the same foods, that's fine, but some of the comments on the last post were HORRIBLE. Grade school mean. Nobody would have said that kind of stuff without anonymity. Some problems women can have will cause them to be overweight even if they ARE eating healthy/not much: PCOS, thyroid problems, other endocrinological disorders, etc. Calling someone "fat" and "pig" etc buys into the culture that judges a woman's worth based on her weight. It's sickeningly wrong.

  5. I'd like to see that picture. Link?

  6. PS And when it comes to having to defend your weight, that is something where someone is DEFINITELY entitled to be snippy! It's also hypocritical for other commenters to call her a "bitch" while simultaneously being one yourself, especially being a chubby bitch yourself. ;) I understand it's for different reasons, but bitchiness is bitchiness. Criticize people for the choices they make, not their appearance.

  7. I'm ok with calling someone overweight when they are. I think we as a society need to stop catering to over eating and morbid obesity. For every 1 person who actually has a medical weight issue there are 99 who are just lazy over eaters. I'm over weight by about 15 pounds right now and darn lazy about it. Call me overweight if you want to, it's true and I've got no one to blame but myself.
    Also, it wasn't ok with me to call Dan a moron for his not preventative learning disability but it is ok to me to call someone out on their obesity (preventable) especially when what they feed the rest of their family isn't enough to maintain a healthy weight.

  8. http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs136.snc1/5810_115955105862_636735862_2786638_798542_n.jpg

    The link fo rthe picture.

  9. Hey Emily!

    :whistle: Over here!

    Hey- Kids in Ethopia are "pudgy" too. It is from their stomach being bloated. I think that lack of vitamins and minerals in that paste that you insist on eating has made your brain all spongy.....
    Keep it up and Dna is going to be "more smarter" then you!

  10. Hey Emily!

    :whistle: Over here!

    Hey- Kids in Ethopia are "pudgy" too. It is from their stomach being bloated. I think that lack of vitamins and minerals in that paste that you insist on eating has made your brain all spongy.....
    Keep it up and Dna is going to be "more smarter" then you!

  11. Zomg. Any more Emily/Dan pictures that you'd like to share?

  12. People weren't just pointing out that she was overweight. They were calling her "fat", "pig", etc. That was rude and unnecessary, and has nothing to do with not catering to the obese. And I'm calling bull on your made up statistic. Obesity is different than being a few pounds overweight. Most people who are obese have emotional and/or physical problems that got them there. It's not *just* simply laziness.

  13. While I am admittedly judgy on much of their oddball lifestyle, I personally see nothing in this picture to judge on. I'm all for calling crazies out on their crazies, but there needs to be a line between arguing differences and being mean for the sake of being mean.
    I'm the kind of girl who is naturally thick- I can diet for a week and gain 5 pounds, My husband however, has the metabolism of a kindergartener- he can eat pizza and french fries for breakfast lunch and dinner and LOOSE weight. I don't believe either of their weights in said photograph stem directly from her "menu" (agreeably though it DOES leave much to be desired.)
    I'm calling foul on this one. Sorry. :/

  14. *meant LOSE weight. I swear I can spell. o_O Usually.

  15. FreeDnaandBooby:
    I was one of the posters calling her a pig yesterday. I called her a pig before I saw that picture and I'll call her one now. She lives as one and eats crap like one. The picture infuriated me further that her poor husband looks as though he's come from a 3rd world country and she very over weight. Call me rude if you wish though I call em as I see em as you are free to do too.
    Also, that stat is true for the US. Most overweight people are lazy and don't exercise enough and aren’t motivated to eat better for their health, me included. The stat came from my doctor when I was talking about my trip to the US and saying how horrid it was to see the masses of morbidly obese people in Disneyland. I'm not even sure how it's disputable to say that will power won't change your weight. Sure it won’t work for everyone but imo most overweight people use anything they can as an excuse as to why they can’t lose weight. I included. Today I am “too tired” to go for a walk :P

  16. Emily,
    I don't care what size you are. I've had football player thighs since I was a size 7. Some of us just are thicker than others. I don't care if you are a 12 or an 18.

    I care about what you are putting into your children. Tube meat is crap. Literally and figuratively. Go to a butcher shop or a decent meat market and spend the extra few cents and get fresh ground meat.

    Fruit, vegetables, grains, and meat. A balanced diet. Wake up.

  17. Okay, I tried to go to the link above, but it didn't work. I normally just lurk, but I would really like to see this picture, as well. Also, where did this exchange occur?

  18. I too was appalled by the immature name calling comments yesterday.
    I have been watching a DVD on 'science of FAT' put out by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. This DVD is a series of lectures that cover the findings of two researchers into the science of why some people are fat and others are thin.
    I will be review this DVD and others in the series over the next few months on my blog 'Potpourri.' Lood for the first review on 'Evolution: Fossils,Genes, and Mousetraps' on this coming Saturday.

  19. Why would you care what a bunch of nutballs say about your weight. Making fun of weight is the lamest way to poke-fun.

    Big deal. Someone always has something negative to say about SOMEONE'S weight. It is an easy poke. And now that you let other know that is bothers you, guess what? POKE POKE POKE.

    The only thing I'm angry about was Daniel going into a coma and you JUST IGNORING IT and hoping it will go away. WHat the heck?!

  20. Well, WTH is she feeding everyone if Dan gained that much weight back? I'm sorry, he is overweight, and if everything she is making is healthy, what is he eating?!

  21. Calling her a pig is an insult to swine.
    Swine are clean animals. They mess in one corner, they do not eat "crap".They thrive on fresh food or a pig chow. They do not sweat, mud allows for a cooling off. Given the choice they would like a cooler pen to stay in over mud.
    Emily is a slob who is ignorant and stubborn.
    There is a huge difference.

  22. What picture is everyone talking about? I tried that link, but it didn't work.

  23. WHOA! What's up with Dan's teeth?? I'm much more disturbed by their apparent condition than I am anybody's weight. Wow!

    I'm relatively new to this party; has this been addressed by Emily at any point? He's seriously got crackhead teeth! Honestly, that picture spoke volumes...

  24. Emily, I am not a fan of many of your philosophies, but I think you are a very pretty girl and I think it stinks that people would mock your weight. I would personally be on the chunky side even if I ate very little. But I do think Dan is looking way too thin. Please get some more carbs into the man. They can be healthy soaked grains and all that, just don't make him wait to ask. He works a very physical job - he should eat a BIG breakfast and a big lunch or dinner.
