
This blog is intended for discussion purposes only and is in no way meant to take away from the original blogs being discussed. Any blogs, news articles, etc... will be linked and given credit. We encourage you to visit all links posted.


TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Saturday, February 20, 2010

No Storage Solutions today

I thought Saturday's were supposed to be storage solution day? I guess after telling us how to store paper in the magazine rack she ran out of ideas, LOL

To those who have asked, we had a great time at the spiritual life retreat . As someone who cooks a lot, I was looking forward to a few days without cooking. Still I found myself in the kitchen helping out the students [and showing them how to do things right~ OMG, I bet the other students were mortified at her cooking and hygeine, can you imagine?] as a way to get to know them a little better. Many of these students I was meeting for the first time, so I really enjoyed my time with them. [Why was she meeting them for the first time? Isn't this Dan's 12th year in Babble College? Don't they go to church together? Me thinks Emily doesn't actually go to church]

The teaching sessions were awesome, but we were only there for the tail end of the retreat, so we didn't get the full message [ Emily, you never get the full message, but you seem to have no problem running with partial information, so...]. Still, we came away invigorated and thankful. [The Quiverful, Snippy Fundy, greatful? Well knock me over with a feather, I never thought I'd see the day]

The kids were a big hit. Everyone wanted to hold Bobby, but he wouldn't let them. Thomas, though, was passed around to everyone [I think they were trying to formulate a plan how to run away with them and feed them, or give them a bath, Poor Booby probably thinks all adults are going to take him and feed him fermented salsa so he got scared]. It reminded Dan and I of our pre-kid life when holding a baby would be the highlight of our day. Now, it is our whole day [in between blogging and feeding Therese], but still a great joy.

Most of all, this was a retreat for us. We were able to put away the stresses [I'd be stressed in that foul apartment too, never going anywhere] of our daily lives for a few days. We didn't think or talk about the blog, work, or even classes. That was refreshing. [Emily, the blog should not be causing you stress, after all, you are doing everything right and everyone else is wrong, what is to stress about? And how is a Walmart janitor job stressful? Or Basement college?]

Mattresses, Mattresses, Mattresses

I think there has been some misunderstanding about the no-mattress idea. [Confusion, what confusion? Emily said Matresses will not be part of their plan]

First, the links I posted of alternatives were not of alternatives I was thinking of getting, but ideas of bedding types I was inspired by [Then you should say that. You should be clear what you want, especially when you are asking for people to do the work for you. But I guess if you are vague, it gives you wiggle room]. Beds that fold up or roll out are neat and worth considering, which is why I used the word "like" when mentioning them.

Second I don't want a conventional mattress for reasons that have been discussed [One article that is not supported by any scientific evidence. But any fruitloop idea if it supports depriving your family is valid right Emily?]. I think the best alternative I am looking at is a nice blanket mattress. This would not be a blanket thrown on the floor, or even folded once or plopped on the floor. This would be three or four blankets folded three or four times, depending on the size and type of bed we end up with. It would also depend on what my kids want for firmness and it may talk a few nights to figure out exactly how that will go. Then, when we've got them the way we like them, I would sew them together in a way similar to how you would sew a quilt to keep the batting in place. They would then be covered and put into place. If people genuinely think this would be uncomfortable, go get a stack of blankets, fold them up and see if it is cozy. [This whole thing just makes me sick. I can smell the stink already of three boys pissing away on a pile of blankets held together with thread. Of course 'mommy' will be too busy blogging to wash any of it. Maybe she will give it a mist of soap nut juice every once in awhile.]

It will take longer for my husband and I to convert our own bed to this, since we simply don't have that many blankets. I imagine we will achieve this by the end of the yard sale season for our bed. [The last thing you need is more blankets to turn greige. You need a bed with a set of clean sheets and a nice warm quilt/comforter. I was going to say a Duvet, but I cannot image you being able to properly care for one. Can you imagine a duvet washed in the wonder wash with soap nut juice and hung up to dry in that fermented hovel? My local thrift store sells bags of blankets for $5. You just go in and ask for a bag of dog blankets.]

After I wrote the post about helping Haiti without money, I received an email about one more way to help. It took me six minutes to donate $1 through Brickfish. All you have to do is go here, make an account and submit a photo. For each photo, they will donate $1. You can then tell others about it so that more money can be donated. Here is the photo I submitted:

It's just a picture of her boys sitting on one of the black blanket draped pieces of furniture in their hovel

Enjoy the day people, I'm off to buy my dog another bed at Costco today. I have better bedding for my dog than she does for her kids and that is pretty sad.


  1. The illogic of her concerns about mattresses vs. the concern about mold and dust gathering in a sheet-covered pile of blankets on the floor still hurts my head.

  2. Blankets? Really? Considering that Daniel still wets the bed she's going to have him sleep on a pile of blankets that she can't fit into the Wonderwash? She's passed from being an idiot into batshit crazy.

  3. I'm SO upset over this post. I can't believe she would just lay down a few blankets and call it a bed. Her kids are going to pee the "bed" and it's not going to get washed because they don't fit in her Wonderwash.


  4. Gizmola - that was my first thought as well. Also, sleeping on soft surfaces (versus a firm mattress) increases the risk of SIDS in babies, which is allegedly one of her concerns. This boggles my mind.

    I tried to leave a comment on her blog on Tuesday asking why she latched onto mattresses and not any other environmental factors that were more likely to be causing issues (tube meat, for ex) but she didn't approve it.

  5. Actually, that mattress does sound like it could be pretty comfortable. If it was done properly. And covered properly. And cleaned properly. And used on a freaking bed. And didn't have three kids thrown on it like a pack of dogs. But what are the odds of that.

    Also, i'm almost fearful to type this, terrified she will latch onto it as her next thing to do just because someone said not to. But here goes.

    She wouldn't really, really put a stack of stitched-together blankets in the crib, in place of a real mattress, would she? I mean, seriously, she wouldn't, right? No one one would do that. I'm imagining that poor kid being cut to ribbons as he falls into the springs. And this is the kid she cares about, right? The one with the humandog alarm system to notify mom in case of emergency. Is little Daniel supposed to be awakened by the shower of blood...assuming he's not already in a coma?

  6. I really wish CPS would come out and visit that hovel she calls a home. I know that in my state they require children to have an actual BED to sleep in. If anything they would atleast make her get those babies a proper place to sleep! It boggles my mind that she would want her kids sleeping on a pile of blankets like a pack of dogs.


  7. If Gizmola sent Emily an organic covered crib mattress, she better be using it. That is a SAFE and HEALTHLY sleep solution. Much healthier than a pile of pee filled blankets that are stictched together so they never get washed. Does she not understand the logic that mattresses atleast have a protective cover to protect from dust mites and other allergens and that is why the mattresses don't have to be washed. A pile of blankets needs to be washed. She has no logic in her brain of hers.

  8. I don't think the mattress has arrived. It's in transit presently. Of course, she'll never mention receiving it, selling it, using it to display Brad or whatever fucked up thing she's going to do with it but I am sure it won't be used as a bed for any of her children. That would be what a normal person would do and she's insane.

  9. i'm thankful i don't have to go there and read that stuff... 'cause i don't want to contribute to her craziness. but i did want to say thank you here...

    she really IS a nutjob. :(

  10. Her mattress "solution" is what was commonly referred to as pallets when I was growing up. Usually it was a short term sleeping arrangement for kids if there was unexpected company, but not as a substitute for beds.

    Emily's foolish ideas boggle my mind.

  11. crazy is as crazy does. I Know how hard that bed will be. and what a pain in the rear it will be. well at least a lacto fermented bed will put a damper on their sex lives.

  12. The blanket idea would not be comfortable at all. I did the same with a dog that hated his mattress (yes, even my dog had his own twin mattress). I had to fix those blankets over and over because weight will flatten down the batting really quickly. I used several blankets, including two nice big queen comforters, and several pillows and it still sucked.

  13. And all Emily does is sit around and blog??? You have an entire blog devoted to picking apart someone else's life and SHE is the one with the problem. Oh.MY.word. You people need a life!

  14. Anon 12:57pm - then why are you reading if your life is so full and we're so shallow?

  15. I posted this nice little kiss-ass comment and she bit my head off because I used the phrase "tube meat." What does she want me to call it? Filet Mignon in a nice petroleum-based wrapper?

  16. Bat shit crazy. I can't believe she doesn't love her children enough to invest in their well being. It's obvious that she wants to be one of these cutesy, trendy, outside-of-the-box mommy bloggers. But she's sooooo far off base it's unreal. She is anything but that. It's more like misinformed, depressed and bored, and thinks her kids are burdens. Does she get any joy out of life at all? Is there any laughter at that home? She is so monotone and dreary.

  17. Gizmola, that was a really nice thing you did. Even if she doesn't mention it, if her kids sleep better, you can feel good knowing you did improve their lives.
    Megan M.

  18. I sent her this web site, since she believes everything that she reads on the Web. I was hoping that it would make her rethink somethings. I got no response. Childhood Asthma

  19. Under1000BrainCells, it's "grateful" not "greatful." You might want to consider attending a basement college yourself, maybe you would learn how to spell.

  20. She contridicts herself again. She said in a post a week or two ago that they take their large blankets to a laundromat and bring them home to dry. Today in her comments she says her large blankets are washed the old fashioned way by hand. Which is it? She also just said that she doesn't have meat that comes in a tube. Her freezer picture showed a whole freezer full of it. How can she lie like that?

  21. Anon2:44 I thought the SAME thing when she claimed that "she does not buy meat that comes in a tube." I call bullshit Miss Emily Kate! Sorry but we've seen the pics of your freezer full of it!

    We need to invent a drinking game: Take shot every time you spot one of Emily's lies!

  22. Soap nut juice sounds pervy.
    Good to see Emily popping in once in a while and leaving anonymous comments.

  23. OMG does she actually think that people won't remember her picture with a freezer full of the tube meat? And her defending her choice to feed it to her family? This girl is a psycho!

  24. @Anon 12:57 - I love your use of that moron battle cry, "GET A LIFE!" I find when you can't think of anything to say and are struggling to come up with a suitable bon mot it's always best to take it back to basics. You know, strip it back to elementary school when perhaps "GET A LIFE" had some power. It is a powerful zinger that always cuts to the quick. Powerful, powerful stuff, that "GET A LIFE!" It can really cut to the quick!

    @Anon 2:37 - You're attacking for one misspelled word? Do minor spelling slip ups excite you? Make you feel especially smart? Finally give you something to attack and elevate your miserable sense of self worth? I guess you're lucky to be that kind of simpleton, one who can take so much satisfaction from a minor error. Also, if the holy Jesus school of the basement taught basic spelling, Big DNA wouldn't be struggling as he is. Or if they do teach spelling, Big DNA needs more help than we thought because they're clearly failing in their aim to produce students who can spell without error. Perhaps you could intervene on his behalf since you have so much faith in the Underground-Jesus-Time-School curriculum? It really would be the right thing to do.

    To the BOTH of you I say - if you want to practice snark, you really need to try harder. As it is, I'm a little sad for you so maybe you could put in a little more effort because I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's just a little sad for you in general.

  25. Hi Emily nice to see that you visit once in a while.

    The photo of your fridge sure seems to have a lot of chubs of meat. Tube meat to be exact. You know why? Because, it's excreted from a hose into plastic tubes. Tasty beef? Not.

    And your last post from Dan, was b-o-r-i-n-g. Let him do his own.

    When I was in college back in the stone age, there were lots of opportunities to meet with the students I was there with. Don't you fellowship with Dan's classmates at church? Or do you go to church? Too much effort?

    Ah well, Deadliest Catch beckons and I have a sick 20 year old who needs her mama.

  26. Wow, she gets so snippy, doesn't she? Tube meat, "rolls of meat", meat in a bag, whatever. It's all the same poor quality meat. Once again, consider investing in your children. It will pay back tenfold.

  27. OMG, semantics much? She's so flipping linear with the tube meat. We might be the ones with poor vocabularies, but she's still the one with low quality meat rolls.

  28. Does she ever talk about her children as if they were people instead of just objects? I don't get any maternal sense at all from her. It seems like they are just objects and objects don't need warm, comfy beds and good food to eat.

  29. OMG I can't believe I defended her! She has lost her mind over this nit-picky definition of "tube" meat.

    By the way, I realized part of her devious plan. She moderates the comments, which forces me to check back on blog to see if my comment has appeared yet. More clicks! I must stop...

  30. Emily Wrote:
    On Gizmola, Gizmola has spent hours and hours of her time spreading lies and writing downright nasty things about me. The little time she spends working "for" us in sending us a mattress is so tiny compared to the amount she has spent working against us. Sending the mattress is an act of spite and pity. If she cared anything for my children, she would not be trying to destroy my children's mother.

    I responded (though it won't be posted, I'm sure):
    Spite and pity? No, Emily. Pity, yes. Pity that your children have a mother that lets them sleep under a crib, have shelving hanging over into the crib, uses a desk lamp balanced on a towel rack as light near a shower. Pity for your children.

    Spite? Nope. You're wrong on that one.

    I sent that mattress for one reason: I could not stand to think of your children sleeping on yoga mats, piles of Wonderwashed blankets, a piece of foam or whatever else besides mattresses. I could not sleep at night knowing that they didn't have a basic bed. If I didn't care about your kids and do whatever I could to help I wouldn't have found an organic covered one, which I hoped against hope would prompt you to use it. Others told me not to bother; that you'd throw it away, refuse delivery, sell it. I told them I didn't care. I don't care if you sell it, chop it up, etc. I just know that I subscribe to the Edmund Burke theory in life: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." I couldn't do nothing.

    Yes, I have written parodies of your site and have frequented forums that deride you. I am not hiding it. I'll admit it. But in the midst of that I started to feel guilty. So I emailed privately with you. What turned me against you was your reluctance to admit that taking your children to the doctors was not a luxury but a right they have and that you should fulfill if you want to be called a good mother. That was non-negotiable to me. To refuse medical care for your children was what made me write you off.

    What do you care what I or any of my mean-spirited cronies says, writes or thinks about you? If you are confident in what you write and how you live your life then what we say should roll off your back. Dan cut and pasted something I wrote on one of the sites on his Twitter feed. I thought it was hilarious and showed that he not only had a sense of humor but he thought we were just silly and immature. Which we, admittedly, are.

    Think I'm evil, hate me if you want. Fine and dandy. Just please, please give your children something decent to sleep on. Curse my name but use the mattress in the spirit in which it was sent: for the good of your children.

  31. Kathy said...

    Does she ever talk about her children as if they were people instead of just objects? I don't get any maternal sense at all from her. It seems like they are just objects and objects don't need warm, comfy beds and good food to eat.

    That's right. Objects need to be stored, and what better place than under the bed? These are the lucky ones, though. Pretty soon she'll just have them stacked up like cord wood.

  32. Alright I have a theory. Her landlord doesn't know she has that many kids living there. They know he will not allow them to live there if he's going to get nailed on occupancy laws. He probably knows about the one child, which is why the crib is okay, but they obviously can't be changing rooms or putting additional bedding in there. It would be too obvious that there are more than three of them.

  33. Oh Emily,

    Where in God's name do you come up with "trying to destroy my children's mother"? Are you their mother or not? Someone mentioned earlier that they were reminded of Rhett telling Scarlett that he was taking their daughter because an alley cat was a better mother. You don't talk about your children with love. I realize you are 25, tired of the kids, tired of the nagging and tired of the filth you live in. So change it.

    I've slept on pallets when I went to visit my inlaws. Not anything I'd want to do again. A pile of blankets will lead to back problems that will last a lifetime. Pee soaked blankets aren't fun either. Open up your eyes girl.

    Enroll lil dan in head start. Find a MOPs group, hang out with other people. Don't sit in your tiny apartment prowling the internet for obscure facts about crap you have no idea about. Find a church group to join, get out and socialize.

    And for God's sake,show some humility. Prideful little girls fall fast and hard.


  34. Good point Claire, and that's probably why she hasn't put in a maintenance request for the bathroom light.

  35. Today she said she had the light fixed. So maybe she broke down after everyone went crazy over that.

    I'm starting to think that maybe she's actually cracking up. I mean, in a worse-than-simply-lacto-fermenting-the-carpet kind of way.

    She is really, really upset over the stupid tube meat thing. Who cares? It's fucking meat in a tube. What bothers everyone is not how it's packaged but the slimy shit inside the tube. How is she this dense?

  36. just because she says she got the light fixed doesn't mean it's true. My theroy is that the light is still broken. Only way I would believe otherwise is if she takes a photo of the working bathroom light. Which she won't. My other theroy is the reason she really uses the crokpot is because the oven is broken and she doesn't want the landlord to come into her apartment to fix it or replace it.

  37. Whuut?

    Emily said...

    "tube meat" is actually short for "test-tube meat" which is an experimental means of growing meat. It's not yet on the market, so it's not in my freezer.


    What we have is what they call "GROUND BEEF."

    Anon, I'm not going to post the link to sites that trash on me here.

  38. AHH! This is what my mother in law does if ALL the grandkids (my kids and their cousins)are sleeping over and there aren't enough bed for everyone. She gets several mattress pads and blankets and makes up little "bed" in the living room. It's fine...for a night. Anything beyond that and the kids are going to need a better place to sleep. Blankets on the floor are not a long term sleeping solution!

  39. I was very thankful for this blog so I didn't have to feed Emily's blog, but after today's post I think I need a retreat. Good lord the thought of a blanket mattress makes me sick. This woman, er girl rather, wants her kids to develop asthma and get bronchial infections on top of being malnourished? Disgusting. I just can't "do" this blog anymore. At least not for awhile.

  40. Long ago, I hit a rough patch in life. When it ended and I had an apartment of my own again, I still had no money for a new mattress. So for three months, I slept on something very similar to the "blanket mattress" Emily describes. I bought a comforter and a couple of old blankets from the thrift store outlet (where everything was sold by the pound). After washing them, I folded them into thirds/fourths, put them inside my sleeping bag, and zipped it up--and voila, I had a mattress. A mattress I jokingly called my "dogbed."

    Yes, it was comfy when I first lay down upon it. But after a couple nights' sleep it would compact and become anything but comfortable. I had to "fluff" it at least every other night. And every time I did so, it kicked up a lot of dust--I was sleeping on the floor, and no matter how clean you try to keep a place there will still be dust and other crud down at floor level.

    Mercifully, I was long past my bedwetting stage by then. I can't imagine how foul my dogbed would have been were I not.

    So my allergies went into full swing during the time I slept on the "dogbed." I woke up to stuffy noses and a wheezy chest most mornings. And at night, I often had a hard time staying warm (in February/March) because of the cold drafts at floor level.

    Funny, how my allergies cleared up, once I had my new mattress and was no longer sleeping on the drafty, dusty floor. I also slept better because I was warmer and the mattress was consistently comfortable.

    So God forbid Emily's kids be exposed to the tiny chance of mold from a real mattress on a real bed! And now she wants them to sleep on dogbeds made of old blankets on the floor--where they will breathe in plenty of the mold, dust mites, pollen, and other particulate nasties down there. (And yes, that foul old carpet is full of them.) If she doesn't end up with at least one asthmatic kid, or one with severe allergies, I'll be very surprised.

    If you want more room in your tiny apartment, Emily, then the reasonable thing to do would be to move to a less-tiny apartment. One with a real second bedroom--not a converted laundry room--that will fit real beds.

    If you are in fact making over $1000/mo. in blogging income, then spending $100-200 of that on the extra rent needed to provide your children with a comfortable, clean, well-ventilated bedroom, of adequate size, with a window that opens to the outside, is a good investment. Yes, it will take you longer to save up for a piece of property, but it is an investment in the most important thing--the health and well-being of your children.

    Again, I ask: are you going to keep sacrificing your children's present-day well-being to your fantasies about the future? Because that is exactly what you are doing.

  41. Has she said what lies Gizmola told about her other than the tube meat? WHich is not a lie. The meat is clearly in tube shaped plastic. Gizmola has snarked a lot and written brilliant parodies, but I haven't seen any lies.

  42. Anon 7:21pm, maybe she considers parodies lies. She thinks Under1000 is a plagarist even though all credit is given to her blog. I wonder if she's going to send the FBI to me for libel and slander.

  43. I just stumbled across this blog. I had been reading Emily's for about a week I told my husband it was a wreck you couldn't look away from. I think you guys are hilarious. I honestly hope people who do know where she lives reports her to CPS or a like minded agency. I will be reading here not hers.

  44. Gizmola, I suspect it's more that she wants to rally her supporters than that she really believes you've been spreading lies about her. She seems to be becoming a bit unhinged lately.

    I almost disappointed about the lack of storage solutions saturday. It's more amusing when she sticks to her script.

  45. Anon 8:11pm - I am desperately curious about lies I supposedly have spread. I wrote a comment to her that I will never write another word about her nor comment on her blog or any forum if she could post just one instance where I lied about her.

  46. I call bullshit, Giz. She herself was all over the idea of this being a Parody site. Remember? She had her "brilliant" ideas of ways we could prody her and dogged on us for not coming up with our own?

  47. This blog is the best! You should really try to sign up to BlogHer or swagbucks or something and keep half and use the other to fund sending Dna some chocolate and fresh food at his school or something! Or donate it to Save the Children or something appropriate :-P
    This site always gives me a laugh!

  48. I love this site. I suspect, though, that if it were "monetized" then Blogger would shut it down. Profit is one of the primary factors that determines whether use of copyrighted material constitutes fair use (protected under the First Amendment) or copyright infringement. Right now, this blog walks a fine line of being parody. If it becomes a money making endeavor I suspect it will fall on the other side of the line, or at least close enough to make Google not willing to take the risk.

  49. I love how she switched from the "dictionary defination" of tube to a completely different topic of test tube meat when being showered with dictionary examples that show her meat is, in fact, in a tube. Any money she googled tube meat to see what she could use to back up herself up. Idiot.

    God this woman makes me angry. Guaranteed she is looking for a TV deal out of this. Damn Julie&Julia for bringing the crazies out who believe they could strike easy fame.

    IMHO, she started the blog naively as simply a way to share what she thought were good ideas and "wonderful" parentings (rolls eyes), but now she's just stirring up controversy for the hell of it to just get hits.

    Also, I thought she was an idiot to start moderating comments, because I thought it would take the fun out out of at least checking back to see how people called her out. But I think Sandy's right in that now people check back to see if their comments are posted. That being said, I have been reading through feeds for the past month. I refuse to give her a click. I think everyone should just post what they want to say to her here. We all know she reads this.

    Gizmola- you're a better person than me. I wouldn't give her anything. Ever. Except maybe a courtesy call to CPS.

  50. Wow. I agree: she is crossing the line from simply "unhinged" to "falling off the edge of crazy". I agree she objectifies her kids and her husband. I am sure she loves them in her own way, but there's just no warmth. And all the contradictions in her blog, from the blankets to the tube meat and everything else. How much of this is real? I know there are crazy people out there, but there are also crazy people who exaggerate their circumstances or outright make them up. Which kind of crazy is Emily?

  51. I see the Bible retreat didn't cover humility.

  52. Niki I could totally see her on wife swap...

  53. I posted a comment on her blog a while ago and suggested that she look up humble and humility, this was when lil Dna was in the hospital. Of course it never got posted.

    I'll bet you dollars to donuts that they don't attend a church because of all the hassle it takes to get 3 little boys dressed (in non smelly clothes) and 1 big one ready to go on Sunday mornings. She never mentions going to church even though Dan is in the Basement Bible College.
    A hypocrite on top of being prideful.

  54. No tube meat?

    The crap she's making her notdogs with is probably made of ground test tubes.

  55. After reading her blog I feel a little "dirty." So today, inspired by Sara at Walk Slowly, I institued my own "Simplify Saturday." I am focusing my blog on my new obsession with balancing frugality and sustainability. There HAS to be a better way! :)

  56. I couldn't resist clicking over and saw this in today's comments:

    Emily said...
    Gizmola, we did not get any mattress, but if you sent it, I'm sure it will arrive shortly. If it's organic, we'll use it. I was a little concerned that we'd be getting like seven mattresses or something, but I'm sure you have it all organized so we won't. Where did you get it for $40? Yes, the light is fixed, and I said I cut off the bottom shelf above the crib.

    February 20, 2010 11:09 AM
    "If it's organic, we'll use it."

    Next up: A thank you...
    Baby steps...


  57. Oh, my. I should have kept reading those comments before posting above. I can't imagine how she's going to pull herself out of the whole tube meat debacle. If I were her - and I thank God I am not - I would just ignore it completely and move on.

    I don't see her blog as having any kind of real future. She's just too immature and incredible. Truly a tragic situation for those children.

  58. If someone tries to profit off this site I'll ditch it, just as I did with Emily. I LOVE this site and the comments keep me coming back all day but NO ONE should profit off Emily's insanity and the mistreatment of her boys.

  59. I cant believe this crazy is going to let her kids sleep on a pile of nasty blankets on the cold floor. I just put new straw and clean blankets in the dogs' house, which is closed in, and not on the ground, insulated and has a blanket on front to avoid drafts. And this blanky blank is thinking about letting her kids sleep in worse conditions. uggg... I am not a violent person but I want to slap this woman.

    Thank you for all the laughs, keep up the good work.

  60. According to Emily my lies include and are limited to commenting once that no one is trying to make her feel bad. Plus, I'm apparently brilliant and witty and am wasting it making fun of her. Plus, she feels sorry for me for being my age and unmarried.

    Oh, but she is a child.

  61. I am just frustrated about her using W.Price to blame her food choices on. So many people read his work and then read none of the later reseearch-which badically concluded that the people in some areas who eat these crazy diets are still very healthy because of the lack of processing in their foods. Their meats are usually free range according to our standards because they are tribal people who raise their meat or hunt wild game. They can also consume these higher fat diets because they expend tremendous amounts of energy on a dialy basis-and even the most active one in the family (Dan) isn't as active as your everyday tribesman. A healthy disease fighting diet in our society would be more plant based with few packaged foods and meat as the smallest portion on the plate.

  62. Commenting once that no one's trying to make her feel bad is not at all spreading lies as she claimed you were Gizmola.

    At any rate, I've certainly commented rather harshly over there before I concluded it was of no use. My intent wasn't to make her feel bad. It was out of concern for what I saw in her blog. I hoped she'd do something for the sake of the kids.

    It looks like Em is just loving the extra clicks the controversy brings, so she's trying to drum it up any way she can.

  63. I'm starting to believe she has to be fake. Why would anyone willingly NOT get dental for their kids when it is suppiled by the state for free--because it is a luxury. Why would she not get WIC and food stamps when they qualify. She could save for her house and get Dan educated to get a better job.

    The only people who could benefit would be her children. Not only that but she could volunteer at food banks with her children while getting food for herself and the kids as well.

    She brings in more money but refuses to spend it on her family. This can't be really accurate. Especially since she is so easy to find. That can't be an appartment complex. It has to be an office or something.

  64. if some people knw where hey live why hasn't anyone made the call to CPS?
    if i knew where she lived i would of called when little Dan was in hospital.
    she is in desperate need of someone or some agency to go in & help her ,before something happens to the children she should of gotten a wake up call when little Dan went into a coma.
    I know we aill all feel bad & upset if something happens to little dan under that crib or if the little one in the crib falls out & hurts himself. you have the means to make aphonecall why dont you .
    I know in some states it is a crime to see abuse & not report it. If they did have some one go in a parent coach or someone to help . I think her blog is a cry for help. & who knows maby DNA is abusive . she needs help i wish somone with the means to call would.

    Unfortunatly i do not live in the us so i dont have the means to call .but someone has to call

  65. Okay...I seem to remember when this blog first started Emily commented and said she would welcome any parodies posted and probably read and enjoy them. The post is gone now because it was when she was having a shit fit over copyright. Is it just me?

  66. I remember that too. She also recommended that the posts be spread out when several were posted in one day. Little did she realize that she's such an inspiration that several parodies per day could easily be created.

  67. I wonder if the owner of this blog still has access to those comments? I would love to see them re-posted. Yes, I am a vindictive b*tch!

  68. She is not a fake, she is a GENIUS! If you read carefully, you will see her slip and see that she does NOT live the way she claims. The boys DON'T sleep on the floor and she feeds them better than she claims. She does NOT use only "soap nuts" and she spends WAY more than 1000 per month. But if she lets any of that out, then the controversy goes, then the clicks go and then the money goes! Then what ever shall she do??? This is a business for her and she is playing it to the max! I Believe that CPS has likely been out there and found nothing because she leave details out on the blog, making us think she is living like an animal and treating her kids like objects.
    She is something else and raking it in at the expense of her reputation.

  69. well if you look at everything she cooks in her crock pot . it takes a lot of time to cook in one. if shes making bread it will take a few hours. & unless she has 2-3 of them shes not doing a lot. i cooked pizza in mine one time it took about 3 hours ( needless to say i had more on it than she does)
    & im still waiting to see DNa on people of wallmart lol .
    the time it takes to use the wonder wash & cook in the crock pot she would need about 48 hours in a single day & shes also breastfeeding & that takes time too . she simply does not have enough time in the day to do everything she says she does. so im thinking shes a big fake too

  70. Anon 11:05am

    I agree totally. I do think she's fake though.

  71. I think it is safe to say that she has left batshit crazy and moved into crazier than a shithouse rat territory.

    Also...most states require that bedrooms have closets...the apartment could be a one bedroom with an office...but I didn't see any mention of a closet in the 6x8 area that she refers to as the boys room. Of course, when I asked her about it she must have thought that either a. I was being snarky, or b. I'm smarter than she is. Either way, the comment was never posted or addressed.

  72. From Emily "I am a victim of severe cyber-bullying."

    No, you're not. You put your family out there for all to see and responded very rudely to the people who were ligitmately only trying to help. Are there some snarky people? Yes, of course. That doesn't mean that you have to respond in kind.

    Oh, and everyone who says that you think she's fake...I don't. Maybe she's living on a bit more than 1000/month, but I think everything she writes is the truth, at least as she sees it.

  73. Gizmola, she's desperate if the best lie that you were spreading about her all over was that no one was making her feel bad.

    Who needs to lie about her? The truth is far fetched enough.

  74. 4:08, thanks for saying this. She is NOT a victim of "severe cyber buylling".

    The only instance in which she was cyber bullied was when the photo of her was posted and people were making fun of her weight.

    Other than that, people are discussing her public blog. People disagree (vehemently!!) with her, but it does not make her a victim.

    Her snippy and rude manner of "speaking" to people with legitimate questions, her crazy ideas, and her refusal to budge or listen to people trying to help have made her the subjext of discussion and derision, but she is not a victim.

  75. One of the hallmarks of fundamentalism is martrydom. It's preached from the pulpit, taught in every Sunday school class and rampant on every fundie message board that the world is out to get them and that when people are mean to them, that's persecution, when people disagree with them, that's persecution and when people don't give them the love they think they deserve, that's persecution.

    There are industries out there making money out of teaching fundies that they are the most persecuted of all peoples on earth.

    That Emily is crying "extreme cyber-bullying" is the ploy they use to deflect the argument. When they can't argue back, they cry persecution.

  76. I love this site, so funny. Gizmola you really have her "writing style" down. Thanks for the laughs.

    Sever cyber bullying. haha She is crazier than a sh!thouse rat.

  77. Emily its such a sad thing that there are women who don't have any kids of their own making up nasty lies about you all over this place. They have empty wombs and they all lie and want us to think that you are a mad scientest making your own beef in a lab! They are bullying you and trying to kill you with words they print. Words on the world wide web are very dangerous. More dangerous than electricity and water in the shower or your baby falling out of a crib!

    But really? Emily, suck it up. Be a big girl. Not so very long ago you were commenting on this site that you were looking forward to reading parodies of yourself. What happened? What changed your mind? You went from (faux, I'm sure) good humour to cries of bullying.

    If you don't want people in your business, stop airing your business.

    If you're enjoying the profit from your blog, suck it up and ignore that which offends you.

    I would also suggest if you don't like what you read here...um...don't read here. It's pretty simple.

  78. Kathy at 9:08 - I totally agree. I think she insulted the rest of us (in that same tirade) for the same reason ... she said that Gizmola is the only one with any brains, that the rest of us just repeat what she said, etc. I guess she's trying to get us all to fight amongst ourselves? Trying to turn the focus off of her. Nice try, Em. Doesn't seem to be working.


  79. I say the same thing about the DUggars. If people don't want strangers commenting on their private lives, they need to get their private lives out of the public eye! The Duggars need to get off TV and Emily needs to quit posting her entire life and photos on the world wide web!

    But since these people like the profits of exposing their crazy lives and ruining the privacy of their families, they have to take the criticism that comes with their notoriety.

    Emily loves her extra $1000+ a month, so she can quit her crying about being "cyber bullied". If she takes down her blog, she can leave her family in that stinking rathole, feed them decaying food, let her kids sleep on urine soaked blankets that will NEVER be washed, and none of us will care, because we will forget about her in the blink of an eye. But...because Emily exposes herself, she is open to criticism of the many areas of her life that are downright scary and dangerous.
