
This blog is intended for discussion purposes only and is in no way meant to take away from the original blogs being discussed. Any blogs, news articles, etc... will be linked and given credit. We encourage you to visit all links posted.


TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Friday, February 19, 2010

Fock You Friday

Emily Answers some very imprtant questions...

Do you follow Bill Gothard's movement? Are you part of ATI or do you strive to be? Will you use their homeschooling program? Do you associate with the quiverfull movement? Have you read the No Longer Quivering blog?

I had to ask Dan who Bill Gothard was[See, I'm submissive, I really am. I could have swagbuck searched, but instead I asked the Head of the Household]. He described Bill Gothard as "the guy who believes that single women in their sixties should still live at home and be under the authority of their father, who is in his nineties." The fact that I had never heard of him means we don't follow his movement.[Actually it means that I haven't been told I follow his movement, or someone hasn't sent me a whacky article that makes absolutely no sense for me to jump on. If someone out there has an article of him saying mattresses are bad, or that lacto fermented food is good, I can change my mind and jump on that bandwagon]

Dan didn't know what "ATI" [Dna thought it eant Away Team Intelligence, snort!] was and neither did I, so I did a swagsearch [If the Head of the Household doesn't know, then it is permissable to swagsearch, but always go to your cousband first ladies] and came up with a bunch of odd technical things until I came across Bill Gothard's homeschooling curriculum site. Although I'm sure it is a fine curriculum, we are not planning on using it.[I'll be making my own curriclum from various fruitloop ideas I find on the internet. It is what is best for our family] I will be writing a separate post about what we will be using for curriculum in the future.[ And I bet it will be a doozy, and published right around a time when the blog is lagging in hits. I'll really rile them up with the half baked ideas I have for curriculum]

I wrote here about our lack of association with the quiverfull movement. [I don't want to be associated with them. Even though a lot of them are fruitloops too, too many of them are materialistic and give their children beds, food and clean clothes. That is not our plan]

I have come across the No Longer Quivering blog, but I don't keep up on it. If I remember correctly, the administrator believes that the Bible does teach families to desire a "full quiver", but that that part of the Bible is out-dated. [What I mean is, it didn't fit in with the plan we have for our family. It doesn't support some of my crazier ideas and it encourages women to escape a life of servitude. They really should just pretend to submissive to the cousbands and then take control of their lives. It can be done, I am doing it]

What do you wear when you swim?

I wear shorts and a t-shirt. I don't wear shorts any other time, since I find them not-so-cute, and I have a t-shirt designated for swimming. [we try not to swim too often though as the chlorine gets our clothes too clean and we feel that cleanliness leads to weakened immune systems. People in 3rd world countries have less illness than we do. No, it's true, I read it on http://www.whackedouttheoriestosuitmyneed.com/ and I'm not changing my mind, cleanliness will not be part of our home!]

On some of the forums that talk about you, people are talking about sending you gifts and things they think you need. What will you do with these things if you receive them?

It will depend on what it is. If it is something that we could use [like Star Trek DVD's or band aid ears] that would add value to our quality of life, we will keep it and use it[ if it's something than can add value to the kids lives, it will be craigslisted ot tossed]. If someone sends us something we don't need or can't use, it will go to charity. To those who are seriously thinking of boxing things up and sending them through the mail, feel free to email me first just to see if it is something we want [because if you even think about sending anything for my boys, I'll throw a snippy fit and tell you how it doesn't fit the plan]

How do you know that your children don't need glasses like you if you aren't taking them for regular check-ups?

First, a child's first eye routine exam is at six months. Both Bobby and Daniel went to their six month check-up and Thomas isn't old enough. The second is at the age of three. Daniel is going for regular check-ups and the other two boys are not old enough for this eye exam. [See how great a mom I am? I know when they need to go to the doctors and you all didn't. How dare you tell me when I am a master swagbuck searcher]

Second, considering the real possibility that what Daniel had was genetic,[Wait, I thought she had determined that it was caused from sleeping on and under the crib mattress? I'm confused again by Emily's contradictions] all the boys are going to doctor's appointments. I don't think routine visits before would have prevented a genetic disorder in Daniel, but I think that if either of the other boys has it, it will be helpful for them to have a solid medical history for doctors to work with [Too bad little Dna hadn;t been to the doctor's for routine visits before he was sick, it might have helped the doc's to have that history. Oh wait, it was the mattress, so it wouldn;t have mattered].

Third, my need for glasses is not genetic. Out of five biological siblings, I am the only one with glasses, but I will be writing about that topic in a separate post. [The story of how I got my glasses is so riveting, it deserves it's own post, but why my kids dont go to the doctor can be said in a snippy two paragraph's. Me, me, me, it's all about me.]

What kind of soap do you use to wash dishes?

I use Dawn foam in a pump. I've tried natural dish washing cleaners, but nothing works like Dawn. [although it doesn't work on my filthy crotchpot, or my pizza cutter, or the grout on my table]We have a lot of fat in our diet [and that is not changing, that is the plan, we like it that way and we always buy full fat tube beef] and thus have some greasy dishes [Whew! I'm glad she stopped at greasy dishes, I was afraid we were about to get another indepth look into their bathroom habits]. Dawn cuts grease. Nothing else comes close [I have sent Dawn the stats for my blog and I am really hoping they will want to advertise here]. I also use it as a laundry pretreater for grease stains I get from cooking and Dan gets from work.


  1. This is a great free program that we hand out to our patients with newborns. Wonder if someone turned her on to it.

  2. Oh my gosh, she answered my FAQ, I feel so loved. I am moved that she took the time out of her busy day (OMG *SO* many comments to moderate) to duck down to our level and answer some questions. We are so blessed that Emily condescends to us like this. My life would not be complete without FAQ Friday.

  3. "Second, considering the real possibility that what Daniel had was genetic, all the boys are going to doctor's appointments."

    a.k.a. CPS is on to me, now I'm required to take them to well baby visits or I'm in trouble. So I'm going to spin this so people think it was my idea to take them!

  4. Anon 9:36,

    Nail. Hit. Head.

  5. Like many of you, I'm a mom. And, like you, I've learned nothing from it. So, I'm in no position to criticize or critique Emily's awesome knowledge about either raising children or how to run a household.

    **rolls eyes until they bleed**

    Until I quickly clicked over to Emily's site, I thought this was another parody. Wow.

    "He described Bill Gothard as "the guy who believes that single women in their sixties should still live at home and be under the authority of their father, who is in his nineties." I'm blown away that she would post this absolutely senseless quote verbatim, without first translating it to make sense for those of us for whom English is a first language. Way to make your man look good, Em!

    "Third, my need for glasses is not genetic. Out of five biological siblings, I am the only one with glasses." Apparently Emily's know-it-all catalog includes genetics, because that's exactly how it works. NOT. Dumbass.

    Last, I'm apalled (but not surprised) that Emily would be so callous about the generosity of strangers. I'm not on the list of folks who are inclined to help - I've got enough people in my personal life who need help. But if people are going to be thoughtful and generous enough to help, she might want to consider adopting a bit more humility and gratitude. Being poor doesn't mean that you automatically have to accept help, but it also doesn't exclude you from having good manners.

  6. Gizmola, all I'm gonna say is that she better thank you for the organic crib mattress you sent to her. She better do so with grace and tact, even if she plans on donating it. Or somehow - somehow - my respect for her is going to go further down.


  7. Wow. WOW. Seriously, if people were sending me free shit, like food and necessities, I'd probably find a way to be gracefully grateful. And if I was running a blog for money, I would probably be really good at finding ways to be tactful and appear gappreciative.

  8. At least she's a consistent snooty bitch.

    I like the how she shows how stupid she really is over and over and over again. She actually thinks people are going to believe what she spews, that people are going to buy into her latest nonsense.

    It's amazing.

  9. I thought this was a parody. Really, I did. Until I read one of the comments that mentioned it wasn't a parody.

    That's sad, in a fucked up sort of way.

  10. Anyone care to speculate? What OMG! insane! insane! thing is she going to do next? Can she squeeze another few posts out of the kid's bedroom, I wonder(wash)?

  11. I've been lurking here awhile...I love this blog-especially the made up parodies. :) But after a couple weeks of reading this, I wonder: will she EVER be able to please you guys? I'm getting the feeling that her motivations will be questioned no matter what she does.
    I'm not saying she's not a train-wreck, she is. But I dunno, eventually you stop looking at a train wreck, right? You go home, have dinner, move on with your life.
    I guess what I'm saying is, if she bothers you THAT MUCH, why don't you turn the channel? There is an endless supply of blogs out there, why not just find something you like? It seems to me that if you spend this much time snarking about Emily (or anybody else) then there isn't much time left for being happy. Eh, to each his own, I guess. I think I'm moving on, though. But for the record there are some very funny and talented writers here!! and the parodies are much more entertaining then the breakdowns of the actual posts.
    Just my 2 cents. :)

  12. WOW WOW WOW. she's an f*d up mess. :( and i really mean that.

  13. I agree that gizmola's posts are much better than the Emily posts. They are truly brilliant!

  14. Lisa, I did alert her that I was sending it. I also listed it on Dan's blog since he doesn't moderate comments. My guess? She'll ignore it. Completely. No comment whatsoever. IRL she'll probably sell it or use it to make mattress pressed whey cheese or something loopy. If she does mention it she'll only comment on how peopel are trying to control her and force her to make the same choices they would. That we don't understand HER PLAN and how it does NOT include mattresses. After all, she's spending hours stuffing them full of gloodles and tube meat and therefore cares about their health and is not going to ruin all that careful, lacto-fermented effort by letting them sleep on a (gasp!) mattress!!

    Anon 6:05pm - why don't we change the channel? Schadenfrueden (which I probably misspelled) and, honestly, I went through a terrible break up and haven't quite gotten over it and so this fills my time and my energy a bit instead of crying or feeling sorry for myself. Cheap and tacky entertainment? Sure. I agree. BUT...

    No matter how snarky, we do have a heart here. I want them to prosper and flourish. One reason I browbeat her and Dan over his spelling problems was because to avoid them could be disasterous to their future. Thankfully, and to his eternal credit, Dan had the balls to acknowledge it. Which earned him kudos in my book and caused me to switch to Team Dan. (or, in an affectionate way, to Team Dna). I try not to snark on Dan and any "problems" anymore. He has a sense of humor and seems like a decent guy.

    Emily has proven time and time again that no matter how many loving, devoted and faithful fans scream "please don't do x, y, or z because it is dangerous" she gets more and more obstinate. I wouldn't be surprised if she posted pictures of the kids playing with a chainsaw and was insistent that she teaches them boundaries and that there's nothing wrong with it. And we're not talking about little differences that all parents have - we're talking about shelving sitting on the edge of the crib, a light balanced near a shower on a towel rod, her child in a coma for two days. BIG things.

    If Emily would once acknowledge that she doesn't have all the answers, that maybe it's not good to stuff her child under a crib and washed her goddamn blankets and basically treated her children half as well as she treated her fucking crockpot I'd back off.

    But actively arguing against medical care for her children was what pushed me over the edge. Why I haven't any sympathy for her (though I do hope Dna takes the babies and runs for it) and why I have no problem snarking on her.

    /end of rant

  15. You are 9000 shades of awesoome, Gizmola. I have tremendous respect for the way you hold this entire situation. I truly appreciate the intelligence, humor, and compassion you consistently display. Team, Giz!

  16. Awesoome, huh? Apparently my right ring finger had some sort of spasm.

  17. Who is willing to bet that Emily spends the next few days researching reasons why she would need glasses other than genetics? She has to cover up her dumb statement somehow!

  18. Thanks, Lisah (LOL). I just tell it like it is! :)
