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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Monday, February 8, 2010

Making Cheese Using Dirty Clothes and Books!

Just a note, the pictures were put in in reverse order. I'm still trying to get the hand of this Blogger, but I think I have it figured out though for next time. Enjoy the Cheese!

Whey Drink

Saving the whey and using is effectively is what makes or breaks the future of cheese making for me. One gallon of milk makes one pound of cheese... and three quarts of whey. Some of that whey can be used in lacto-fermenting, but if I'm going to be making most of our cheese, we are going to have more whey than I know what to do with. Paneer whey isn't bitter like yogurt whey, and I read somewhere that the whey of hard cheeses is almost sweet.
So, I made whey limeade. I used lime juice as the medium to make the milk curdle. To make limeaid, I added more lime juice and some stevia and chilled the drink. It has most of the nutritional value of milk and is loaded with protein. It tastes like limeade. I think there are probably a lot of drinks that could be made with whey and I'll let you know which we like best.
Next up: making mozzarella!
Edited because Emily is a Whiner.


  1. I hope they never read those books in the bathroom. They're filthy. :S

  2. I had to choke back the vomit when she described the "limeade". Oh my god that sounds utterly revolting.

    And how is it that their books even look like shit?

  3. Isn't that one of her dresses from her fundie dresser post?

  4. Positively revolting. How about using a piece of sterilized, or at least new, cheesecloth instead of a piece of unwashed clothing? The thought of what's actually being drained out of that with the nasty cloth and dirty books in the mix is just disgusting.

  5. That looks so disgusting. She's starting to make me fall asleep

    Her life must be so boring...

    Furthermore I made a comment on her post about magazine racks on Saturday saying that it was a bore. She responded by saying that not a lot of bloggers actually write on Saturday. She's full of crap because all the blogs I read post on Saturday AND Sunday. What they post is worthy of reading too.

  6. OMG. I'm pregnant with bad morning sickness- her posts make me want to hurl normally but this is just the grossest thing that I have ever seen. The limeaid, oh, the limeaid. HURL.

  7. Fvcking nasty! Can you imagine how horrible their slumhole....I'm sorry, apartment...smells?

    Her poor, poor kids. Can you imagine how happy they'll be a teenagers when they are able to leave their prison?

  8. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. The whey limeade... ugh. I'm just glad she didn't post a picture of it.

  9. Her limeaid-whey drink sounds revolting!


  10. Her poor, poor children and what must be rotting in their little guts!

  11. Ok, so wait. Lemme get this straight:

    1) She boils her milk (probably in her trusty (crusty?) crock pot, since she doesn't use the stove.
    2) Adds lime juice to it
    3) Lets it rot
    4) Puts it in some fabric (which does look familiar, so it is probably one of her dresses from that other post) that had been washed in the wonderwasher with her dirty diapers.
    5) Squeezes out the whey with dirty books and then DRINKS IT?!

    OMG, that is seriously revolting. I feel so badly for her kids.

  12. For the love of GOD what is WRONG with this girl!?

  13. Does anyone else wonder what her kids are doing all day while she's 1) making things that are easily (not to mention, cheaply, quickly, and cleanly) obtainable with a trip to the store; 2) blogging about her pursuits; and 3) keeping up with all the various forums that discuss her? I have just one kid, and he really keeps me busy, what with reading to him, playing with him, cleaning the house, etc. The fact that she has 3 little kids (4 if you count Dna) and can find time for all this stuff is crazy.

  14. Vegetables, Emily. Vegetables. Give them a try, I swear you'll like them. Your kids might even thank you one day.

  15. India called. It's pissed about the cheese.

  16. Cheese....I just don't understand the cheese.

  17. What the heck is wrong with this girl? I can't believe she is real... I just can't believe she is serious. That is nasty cheese and just too gross for words!

  18. Sweet jesus. Dirty cheese made in dirty clothes with dirty books...and then drinking the dirty whey with probably dirty limes. No frigging wonder her kid was in a coma.

  19. But it doesn't even look good, Em. I mean, that's the problem. It's nasty. And how is this supposed to be something that is appealing? I don't get how it is frugal to go to the store and BUY milk that you then turn into nasty cheesy and even nastier Lime drink food type product? Especially if you still give the kids milk to drink? Nothing looks good, it all looks dirty and gross and sad. That's it. Sad. There are webs sites out there that feature people who are living this lifestyles in supercute clean small homes with their families, not cluttered hell holes. There are others who eat lacto fermented foods and they look yummy and fresh, not spoiled and old. There are lots of people who are trying to live a greener life on the web and they look healthy and happy. You look sick and naive. You are a trainwreck and I feel sorry for you and your kids. You put your life out there to be judged. Get your act together. If you want to do things this way, at least do it right.
    Your cheese looks awful. Your books are filth, your "cloth" has dyes and fibers that should not be used for making food. Get cheesecloth, if you are going to advise people. At least attempt to pick books that don't have filth on them to use as weights. At least try to make your pictures LOOK clean for the pictures, for fucks sake.

  20. First of all, those cheese pictures are absolutely revolting. She has no clue about proper kitchen hygiene. How could she even imagine in her wildest dreams that posting those pictures would inspire anyone? We all know she doesn't properly sanitize anything when she washes it (and Em, don't tell me that in the olden days, this is how they did it, research a little there girl, our grandmothers & great grandmothers did a lot more then swish around their laundry in a bucket)
    So, since she doesn't properly sanitize anything, she's then going to post about making cheese in skeevy, dirty cloths?
    Gross, just gross

  21. If I read the comments on her blog correctly she is doing this on the FLOOR, not the countertop.

  22. Yup- THE FLOOR!!!!


  23. This is, quite possibly, the most disgusting thing I've ever read on the interwebs. Whey limeade? Seriously Emily? Barf. I feel bad for your kids. If you and Dan were doing this on your own no one would really blink an eye (to your face at least), but raising your children in this "lifestyle" is really unfortunate. One would think you would want better for them.

  24. should have had the kids sit on it. it would be more educational then what they are doing now. Cheese sitting the new fundy sport.

  25. i actually found this quite appetizing. yum!

  26. Es hängt davon ab, wie häufig und wie häufig Sie Hosen tragen. Für den Fall, dass Sie verschiedene Anfälle, Wäsche und Pläne an diesem Punkt mögen, gibt es im Allgemeinen keinen weitesten Punkt. Für den Fall, dass Sie mir ähnlich sind und nur einen Stil tragen und nur Hosen tragen, würde ich an dieser Stelle mindestens zwei vorschlagen, damit Sie sich eine waschen können, während Sie die andere tragen Sie müssen also nicht jeden Tag einen Haufen Wäsche vollenden. Besuchen Sie Modasto, um außergewöhnliche Angebote und Arrangements für Kleidungsstücke zu erhalten.
