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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Wonderful Tutorial on How to Watch TV

Today Emily tells us that TV time is something that all parents need to consider. She's also going to tell you how she and Dna decided what was best for their family.

Emily says Dna used to watch hours of television a day before she came along, and that she had the potential to do the same [it's a good thing she has potential for something, 'cause it she ain't mother, or cook, or cleaner] At first they decided on one hour of TV a week and one movie a month, but then that changed to one hour of TV a day and one movie a week.

They each get one movie pick per month and one TV pick per week. They use their picks to pick something the other person may not like. The rest of the time Dna gets to pick because TV is his thing. If there is something Emily really wants to watch, she'll suggest it, and Dna will usually let her watch it. See, Emily is such a good submissive wife.

Dna works second shift two nights a week, and Emily could watch an hour of TV by herself, but she often forgets to. She likes The Office, Little Dna calls it "Michael" See, Emily does too have amusing stories about her children.

Emily and Dna started thinking about a TV policy when Little Dna was about a year old. They had a Baby Einstein video they would put on, but he wasn't interested. They decided that if he wanted to watch kid TV, They'd limit it to two hours a week, or roughly a half hour show each day Dna was at work.

Little Dna doesn't want to watch TV so she doesn't push it. Sometimes he'll suggest that they watch a Thomas movie tomorrow, but when tomorrow comes around, he doesn't mention it. She counts on Little Dna forgetting to ask to watch a movie, just like she counts on Big Dna to forget to ask for food. Every few weeks he'll ask to watch something today, so she puts it on, but he gets tired of watching. She's perfectly OK with that.

The kids are usually awake when Emily and Dna start watching TV at night, but they fall asleep (from lack of attention) And then wake up for a bedtime routine, which we know doesn't include baths, fresh jammies, or clean sheets. Hell, who am I kidding, it doesn't include sheets at all. She says this is an odd way to do things, but it works for them.

Oh yeah, and this is all done without a TV She has to make sure you know that she is too good for a TV ( I don't think there is anywhere left to hang one from actually, maybe on the tool pegboard?) Her physics teacher was on Survivor and her rabbit ears weren't cutting it, so she researched (everything is research with Em) and she found hulu and youtube. She also says they have a DVD collection. But remember folks, they don't waste money on DVD's.

Sorry I didn't publish this first thing this morning, but the frugal one hadn't posted her Daily Drivel when I got up. She was late this morning.


  1. When we weren't allowed to watch tv, we weren't allowed to cheat by watching stuff on the internet, either. Heck, they didn't even have the internet to substitute as a time waster when I didn't have tv. Emily, wasting time is wasting time whether you do it on tv, watching "tv" via the internet, or spending all day long on the internet blogging. There's really no difference. When people eschew tv, it's usually because of the secularism and to replace that time by spending time with their families (not replacing it with other electronic diversions). Why are YOU eschewing tv since you do neither one of those things?

  2. Wonder when she's going to post that she's selling the mattress that giz sent her. Oh right, never. I can't imagine that even her staunchest supporters would think that was a graceful or smart thing to do.

  3. LOL - when I read about the "research" before I saw your comments I thought the same thing - everything is research with Emily.

    "I have a hangnail - let's research it!"
    "I spilled milk - let's research how to clean it up!"

    This is another one of those uber-boring posts. We don't give a damn about your tv habits though I am appalled at her again. Hoping her child forgets to ask for a tv/movie? God, doesn't she EVER go out of her way to do something just for the sake of her husband and children? I really think if the boys forgot about dinner she'd just blithely go on blogging and ignore it.

  4. Maybe Emily's next research project could bean expose on Baby Einstein DVDs.

    She likes to save money and sound wicked smart so I imagine she would get a massive boner by telling everyone why Baby Einstein is a waste of money.

  5. I don't really have a problem with limiting tv. We don't watch much, and the kids mostly just watch videos a few times a week.

    I think it's silly that she feels her tv choices really need a full post, but I guess to each her own.

  6. Awww... I sort of miss the posts with the red print responses!! The feed isn't nearly as interesting.... especially on dry days like today.... Is Blooger (teehee) really giving you trouble about taking her posts and making comments in them??

  7. Yes, Emily is sending DMCA notices to Blogger, and they in turn set any posts here that have her stuff in it to Draft Status. I have to edit out her stuff and then repost them. I'm sure I'll get another takedown notice for some of the ones that are still here.

    The funny thing is, I was really thinking about not continuing with this blog until she did that again, but I can be quite spiteful, and it inspired me to continue, LOL

    I'll do more red letter commentary on the more intersting posts, but she has been boring lately.

  8. Don't let this bitch stop you LOL if she would of just STOPPED this blog probably would of just died off but she decided to keep trying to stir the pot.

    Its called FREEDOM OF SPEECH and isn't that what BLOGGER is about???

    She claims that her blog is all about her and not $$ so why does she give a flying fuck about this blog. I say you should put up ads your blog :)

    Last time I check there are TONS of parody sites and shows. Are people going to start freaking about SNL? I thought the FBI was suppose to be coming after you and lawyers LOL

  9. Emily not Crazy EmilyFebruary 25, 2010 at 11:03 PM

    Bob from Survivor was her physics teacher? That's so random. I wonder what he would say about all the crazy.

  10. Emily not CE,

    I know. Plus, in my high school, granted 15yrs ago, Physics was a senior level Advanced Placement course. Only the future engineers and mathematically inclined took it. I myself took Honors AP Biology because I am not mathematically inclined, LOL.

    How did she go from Physics classes to this?
