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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Monday, February 22, 2010

Wackadoodle Theories

This is actually not a parody today. This is highlighting some of Emily’s best wackadoodle theories on life. These are not lies but instead are things she’s written on her blog or her comments. These are my favorites in no particular order (but with random bolding for fun)
Doctors are conspiring with the pharmaceutical companies and have a vested interest in diagnosing illnesses.

According to Emily, doctors want you to be sick. They want to pump you full of drugs and are trained to look for illness. Nevermind that doctors actually take an oath to heal, she knows better. She even stated that she has had experiences where doctors have made mistakes and when she says going to the doctor is a matter of life or death she implied that in her experience going to the doctor could result in death. She uses these theories to justify not taking her children to the doctor for yearly physicals.

Brushing your teeth is enough dental care.

How anyone can see poor Dan’s teeth and think that brushing is sufficient is beyond me. It’s very clear that dental care is more than a Cars toothbrush with Dollar Tree toothpaste on it. Some have pointed out that her children may be too young to see the dentist. But even when they grow I doubt that routine visits are in her budget or intentions. Flossing, checking on how children’s teeth are coming in are important. But Emily knows better, as always.

Mattresses cause illness.

Honestly, I had never heard this before it popped up on her blog. So the theory is that mattresses, especially crib mattresses release toxic gas? I have a hard time believing that there’s enough toxic gas coming off of mattresses to put her child in a coma. If that were true don’t you think there would be federal investigations and regulations on mattresses? Did I miss something in the news? Plus, I think having your child sleep on a urine stained mattress under a crib next to a heating vent on a dusty floor in the middle of a Maine winter with no cover, no sheet and barely a blanket might be worse than the miniscule gases that might be released.

Government Nutritional Information

She doesn’t trust FDA nutritional information, the food pyramid specifically. Sure, there’s room for deviation. Not everyone eats according to the pyramid. Depending on your health needs (diabetes, Crohn’s disease, gluten problems) it might not be possible. However, she takes it to the extreme, claiming that food producers sponsor that pyramid so it can’t be trusted. And she uses that to justify feeding her children a high-fat, low-carb diet. Forget heart disease – we need to stay away from the tiny bit of phytic acid in oats!! Fill ‘em up with lard but stay away from corn on the cob.

Tube Meat

This is my favorite bit of insanity. She worries about phytic acid in oats. She worries about the quality of bowel movements from “crap” cookies at RMH. She makes baking powder (or soda) because of GMO but she feeds them tube meat. Rolls of meat. Cylinders of meat. Meat in a plastic casing. Whatever in God’s name she wants to call it. The fact remains that even her staunchest supporters have pointed out the hypocrisy of worrying about a teaspoon of sugar on oatmeal or GMO in baking powder but feeding her children the lowest possible quality of meat. Especially since they do NOT have to eat that much meat. There’s no reason they can’t cut down on meat consumption so they have less meat but a higher quality. She could look into finding game meat, go in on buying half of butchered grassfed beef. She could eliminate a lot of the meat and add beans and rice and other vegetarian options for protein. Instead, she clings to the tube meat like a fat kid clinging to cake. (or Dan clinging to a forbidden Twinkie)

Junk Food

I’m not defending junk food as good food. I’m sure most Americans would be healthier without the Super Sized McDonald’s meals, bags of Cheetos, Cheez Whiz, ice cream, candy bars and the like. But she takes it the extreme, as usual. Dan has to ask for it and she usually hopes he forgets about it. No sense of moderation. Food should be enjoyable. If Dan (or the kids) wants to have a bowl of ice cream, a candy bar or some potato chips once in a while it’s not the end all of nutritional health. On a personal note, I’m on a diet and eating much better than I used to. And yet still sometimes I treat myself to a small bag of Cheetos or some ice cream. Because I enjoy it. Like most things she writes, there’s a lack of joy about food and family.

Emily runs across a random statement in her “research” and runs with it. “GMOs are bad” = no GMOs. “Sugar is bad” = no sugar. Those are easily changed. They require little work on her part. Don’t buy the GMO food and use stevia. Done. But when it requires real research, real work on her part, eg. eliminating tube meat and getting protein through creative vegetarian means – well, that’s not in her PLAN. Which basically means, she doesn’t know how to cook lentil and barley soup, etc. Deviating from her plan would require change, knowledge and skills on her part. Things she doesn’t have. A mattress cover, sheets and real blankets equals more time on the Wonderwash or possibly going to a Laundromat every time Daniel has a nighttime accident.

Emily seems to go through life like a spoiled child with only half the information. A teenager who KNOWS what she’s doing even in the face of adults telling her she doesn’t. The only time she’s taken advice was when she absolutely could not get anyone on her side, i.e. the shelving, the Rubbermaid totes, the bathroom light. If she doesn’t get the validation she seeks she clams up.

I worry about the next crackpot theory she works up: fresh air has pollution so therefore the children should never go outside, no more fruit because fruit flies may have deposited eggs on it, pillows are bad because once a child got smothered under a pillow, shoes are bad because they mold children’s feet, heat is bad because it produces asthma.

I will point and laugh but I’ll also feel so sorry for her children.


  1. Well done!

    Next, we should write a post on contradictions in her blog! Of course, that would take time and research and a good eye; most people don't have that kind of time. But I bet most people have noticed at least one and could comment about it! Ok, I'm getting off topic, and I'll shut up. Good post! :D

  2. Here's one: on the FJ forum and in an email to me she insisted that Dan was at a perfectly healthy weight. However, on an early post on her blog she noted that his weight loss was dramatic and maybe he had lost a bit too much weight.

    I'd ask which one it is, but according to the pictures poor Dan is emaciated.

    BTW, the crib mattress is to be delivered on Wednesday. Any bets on if she'll totally ignore it or post something snippy about how it doesn't meet their PLAN???

    (disclaimer: I did not send it looking for kudos. I couldn't care less if she mentions it - I'd just like to know that her children are using it and not sleeping on some moldy, mildewy blanket. I daresay I set my hopes too high.)

  3. emily's punishment will be when she ends up in an insane asylum that treats her they way she treats her children and husband.

    i hope they feed her nothing but fruit roll-ups and dog food.

  4. My son has been going to the dentist every 6 months since he turned 3 years old. All of a sudden at our last visit (he's now 8 years old) he had major overcrowding issues with his back molars and they all started impacting each other and lifting from his gums. He had all these major changes happen in just a short 6 month window, so I am very thankful that we caught it pretty early on so that we could start addressing the issues before they got worse.

    Brushing his teeth 10 times a day isn't going to do a darn thing to help. Pulling 5 teeth to make room in his mouth for his adult teeth to come in is going to help and save us thousands of dollars down the road in expensive repairs and corrections. My husband has horrible jaw pain and issues because his parents chose not to deal with his dental problems early on and I will NOT take that route with my kids!

  5. Does anyone have her original pictures she posted when she started this new blog? She deleted them pretty soon after she posted them. I really thought in one of the pictures, there was a TV, but now she says they don't have a TV. I could be wrong though.

  6. I have some of the original pictures, but I don't see a tv in any of them. The apartment has acutally been somewhat decluttered since she posted the original pics amazingly enough.

  7. how does one watch Star Trek DVDs if one does not have a television?

  8. I can't speak for Em and Dan, but dh and I used to watch dvds on computer for years before we had a separate dvd player or a tv bigger than our 15" monitor.

  9. ah- I didn't think of that, 6:07.

  10. I watch movies on the computer all the time. Only b/c my child is playing a video game on our tv. I cannot imagine a life where you didn't allow your child any pleasure. I know sugary cereals are bad for you and honestly my child enjoys Kashi cereals but, he still likes a bowl of Fruity Pebbles once and a while as well.

  11. I even have my dogs in for a dental visit about every 2 years for a cleaning and one of them needed 2 teeth removed. My dogs get better health care! And if one wasn't responsive I would bring it to the vet immediately...I wouldn't just let it slip into a coma while I tried to spoon feed it water.

  12. OK, I'm crying Uncle.

    I've been fascinated/repulsed by Emily but I can't do it anymore. If Emily is real, she is truly "unbalanced" and seems to be thriving on the controversy surrounding her.

    I think that attracting her attention and engaging her is fueling her delusions of being able "thrive" to according to their "plan" yet still make tons of money blogging.

    If Emily were to just keep blogging without the dissention she would only attract and engage fellow weirdos and her site would quickly go cold.

    Emily is not interested in making life better for her children and it's very sad. Maybe she would do better if she didn't have something to prove or push against.

    I completely understand watching this train wreck but I won't anymore.

  13. I see women like Emily every day, she does not have the corner on crazy. This is hard to believe that there are people out there that are crazier than her. I had a patient that has 8 children all under the age of 9 and she is only 28, husband makes $10+ an hour working as a maintance man. They will not apply for food stamps or WIC because their pastor told them plus she found it on the internet, that if she accepted them they would put a micro chip on them so that the government could track were they go. They live in a 3 bedroom house about 1,000 sq feet. Then on the other hand I have patients want to make their children lives better, like the women that had 4 children in five years who wants no more. However, they are fundie and her husband refuses to allow her to use birth control. She is doing it any way.
    Emily drives me nuts because she doesn't use the brain that God gave her to think. Everything is about her and no one else. Her grand PLAN, is a reciepe for diaster. I feel sorry for the boys, they had no say about being born into this craziness. I want Big Dan, to put his big boy's pants on and put his foot down and stop some of this craziness.

  14. Gizmola,

    I decided to comment here because I read her stupid jab at you about being unmarried and childless. I read Emily's blog, and while I am concerned for her children, I do want to mind my own business and know that everybody is different. I'm an atheist and cannot imagine living her life, and I'm sure she couldn't imagine living mine. But for her, of all fucking people, to insinuate that her life is better than yours because you are unmarried and childless actually felt like a punch in the gut. I am 23 and married, and we just found out I have fertility issues and might not be able to have children. We were sad, but we also know that we do NOT need to have children to be fulfilled as people. Why bother being open minded about batshit CRAZY people when they can't even return the favor? I feel so sorry for her and will not read her blog again!

  15. I agree, I'd like a contradictions post here.

  16. Will Stevia harm my teeth?

    A) Apparently not. Two tests conducted by Purdue University's Dental Science Research Group have concluded that Stevioside is both fluo-ride compatible and "significantly" inhibits the development of plaque, thus Stevia may actually help to prevent cavities.

    I have been waiting for her to post this regarding dental care. Since she is too busy picking fights on the internet. I decided to do her the favor and post it.
    I am waiting for the tinfoil hats to start showing up in her blog.

  17. countessrascal - If you meet the crazywoman again could you ask her why exactly it would matter if the government *did* track wherever they went? I really want to know her answer bahaha

  18. I posted this over at the MckMama BlogFrog, but the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get. Ugh.

    "Some of the things she says are really off the wall and sort of lead me to question her mental health. I really don't mean this in a disrespectful way at all, but she does seem to believe some alarming things. For example, she doesn't limit her dietary sodium intake because Jesus instructs that his followers are to be like salt. Frankly, this is bizarre.

    "The whole lactofermentation business, reeks of quackery, in my opinion. The idea of slathering a child's food with salsa which has sat at room temperature for "a few days" is fairly repulsive and dangerous. She feeds her family dollar store tube meat but deliberates between a Tempurpedic and SleepNumber bed for herself.

    "What bothers me the most about her is that she seems to treat poverty as a game. I grew up poor (as in, my mom made way less than 1000 dollars per month), and it irks me that her children live the way they do not out of necessity but as a result of her bizarre decisions. For my family, being poor was not some amusing caprice to write about on a blog, it was gravely real and we had no choice."

  19. Anon 10:10 - I am really sorry about the infertility stuff. I'm sure that must be painful to deal with, especially if you're married, in love and want to express that love through having a child and showering him/her with love. While I've never wanted children, I feel for you. Kudos for not sinking into a pit of "my life is meaningless now" self-pity - I admire that.

    I hope you weren't upset on my account. It was an immature, silly and ill-informed "attack" on my lifestyle. She can't envision a life where someone chooses not to marry or not to have children. She only assumes I'm some evil bitch who no one will love and that my poor womb is barren because I'm evil. It makes me laugh and pity her even more.

    I could end up with no husband, no steady boyfriend, hell, no dates even and my life would still be richer, more full, more exciting and happier than hers. Because hers is a road of hardship and, if her blog is any indication, devoid of any real joy. I do envy people like Tracy from Unless the Lord because she seems fulfilled. That's what I want: fulfillment. I just think one doesn't HAVE to be married with three kids lacto-fermenting dust bunnies to get it.

    She'll grow up one day. I hope for the sake of her kids she does.

  20. I swear I read a while back that she was teaching the eldest son how to use toilet paper frugally. That's where I draw the line between "I like to do things that save money" and "I am dirt poor." I don't make much money myself, but there is no chance in hell I would spend extra time making sure I am wiping frugally. The time I save by grabbing a wad and going to town? Well, you can't put a dollar amount on that.

  21. Also, when I was even poorer than I am now, I still managed to have a clean home that was inviting, smelled good, and was uncluttered. It's really not that hard, especially if you don't even have a damn job. I sit here all day and refresh the comments too, but my house is spotless and I eat regular salsa. Coincidence?? I think not.

  22. I'm just trying to teach my wee one to use toilet paper *crying*

  23. Oh my God, I am peeing my pants reading this. I just found Emily's blog and I read it thinking what is wrong with this woman. Glad to see other's find her...I don't have the word that fully describes her.

  24. I think one of her largest blatant contradictions was this post back when she first started the blog, this is from a post titled "Health Standards":

    "I love processed meats. My mom is German. We ate a lot of sausage, kielbasa, and liverwurst, and I still eat those. I don't see those leaving our menu. My husband also brought his love of hot dogs into our marriage. He was eating a package a day when we got married. I put a stop to that, but I include hot dogs in a lot of our recipes. I now eat them a lot because they are real cheap. I do find some benefit in processed meats because our society has moved away from eating organ meats. I consider it my organ meat source."

    She posts a picture of Bar S brand hot dogs then she goes on to say:

    "Here is where I stand firm:
    We avoid genetically modified foods. If you look at an ingredient list and see "corn", "soy", or "canola", and it's not organic, you're probably eating genetically modified food. Rice, wheat and sugar are also growing in the genetic modification field. Genetic modification is an appalling trend in food production and one that I won't have my husband's hard earned dollars support. I won't get into the details of the horrors of genetic modifications because I'm not ready to let you see my paranoid, conspiracy-theory, anti world domination side."

    It doesn't take a freaking rocket scientist to know that Bar S hot dogs are the bottom of the barrel on the grade of meat they use and one of their main ingredients is corn products. Emily is apparently too dumb to read labels.

    Many people mentioned this contradiction in comments on later posts, and she came back and said something about how the hot dogs were just a treat because her boys liked them, then she started making sausage.

  25. I'd like to preface this by saying that I am not a mother, but a proud auntie and future doctor. The thing that gets to me the most about Emily is the lack of medical (and dental) care for her children, especially when Dan qualifies for health care (and I have a cousin who works at walmart and has a child and frankly, the insurance walmart provides is pretty damn good). Her child slipped into a coma before she took him to the doctor, not only is this scary but expensive on the tax payers because she has governmnet insurance, you know her son's entire stay and all of the tests run while he was in the hopsital came out of our pockets. I'm not saying that the coma could have been prevented, I'm saying that I don't know, but hell there was probably a chance, even if she took him to the doctor the day before when he didn't want to wake up instead of waiting until the last possible minute. And seriously, how many healthy children who have regular doctor visits and are vaccinated just randomly slip into comas?
    The vaccation thing is another idiocy that just boils my blood, as a future doctor. Didn't we grow up in schools looking at kids who had polio and other terrible now-preventable childhood diseases? The Wakefield study linking autism to vaccines has been retracted by all the supporting authors and is not proved to be invalid. Again, I'm not a parent and I don't want to start a war on the rights of parents to vax. But seriously the way she is feeding her kids and the condition of her house, those kids need something to up their immunities and protect them against that crap hole.
    Also, re-breast feeding her 18 month old after he's been weaned and so obviously doesn't like it, WTF?

  26. Anon 11:39, do you have the link to the re-breastfeeding post?

  27. She's giving him milk in a sippy?

  28. Thanks. Bobby probably doesn't want to get near her curdled milk boobs and lemon pits. Poor kid. Maybe she can make her breatmilk into some floor cheese for poor Booby.

  29. Anon 11:39: I agree. I won't complain about her kids getting free healthcare though. We all know Emily wouldn't provide it for them. Although, Emily should probably be sterilized, as she deserves no more children.

    I've spent some time working in healthcare and I've had several of my own healthcare concerns, many of which I was born with, I've been in and out of hospitals for years. My experience with dehydration comes from personal experience.

    I'm horrified about the whole coma thing.

    On Monday, he was tired and slept most of the day.

    On Tuesday, he was tired and slept all day, but got up to use the restroom.

    On Wednesday, he wasn't waking up much, and she waited until that EVENING to take him to the ER.

    I think I could give her a pass if he slept ONE day and seemed tired. I remember doing that a few times as a child, I'd get tired or get a "bug" and sleep for a day or so, just getting up to use the restroom.

    I'm really still in disbelief that after one day of him being tired, that she didn't take him to the ER on the second day when he didn't want to get up. To wait until the end of the THIRD day is, IMO, a severe lack of parental concern and does indeed make her a HORRIBLE parent.

    To watch your child get progressively worse over the course of three days, to the point of being in a coma, prolonging his medical treatment, is one of my definitions of child abuse.

    She said his diagnosis was dehydration, but the doctors couldn't find a cause. I can tell you exactly what the cause was....she didn't tell them he had been sleeping for three days. A child not eating or drinking much for three days will most certainly throw them into dehydration. Especially since her kid's diet isn't exactly full of nutrients and vitamins to begin with, going a day or two without at least having gloodles, tube meat, and limeade can be severely damaging.

    It's hard telling how long the kid was slipping into dehydration before he finally just laid down and went to sleep.

    So, I'm betting that Em didn't tell them he had been sleeping for days (or I'm sure CPS would have been contacted.) It was probably something like, "oh, he was a little tired today, then I tried to wake him up several times for dinner and he just didn't want to move, then we decided to rush him to the ER." I just highly doubt she honestly told them that he slept for three days before her lazy cheap ass decided to bring him in.

    (Hey Em, I know you're reading, you're a poor excuse for a mother.)

  30. Alisonian - Just wanted to thank you for the laugh with this line, "The time I save by grabbing a wad and going to town? Well, you can't put a dollar amount on that."

  31. I really think Emily is mentally ill. Instead of just doing what the right thing for her children and family would be, she is going to continue with her delusional rantings and excuses. She is immature to boot. I respect everyone here who has really tried to reach out to her, but I think it's pointless. The only good thing that could happen is that CPS takes her kids away, before her mental illness and paranoid delusions cause them more harm then it already has.
