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TO READ THE DAILY DRIVEL, Although she says it will no longer be daily, and only about once a week...


Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Or Lions

Since this post has been removed from the original blog, I can't give a direct link for credit, but the original blog post comes from www.rantofdan.blogspot.com

top stores of the 2000s part two
five Katrina
there had aways been fears that a strong enough hurricane could take out the levies in new Orlons. apparently president bush was briefed a year before that this could happen. the hurricane originally was believed to be heading to Florida but then went to Louisiana and Texas. no one took is seriously enough. governor blanko and ray nag en the mayor lets buses gets drenched. the GOP blamed banko and the negon they blamed the republicans. it was a desester that ended banko carer and was the begging of the decline of bush and the Congressional republicans. new or lions sill has not recovered. many refuges stil have not returned.
four war in Iraq
the gulf war was the first war of my ife time. i was ten. i heard all my life we should have taken out Sodom. i remember in 1998 when sad om kicked out the inspectors and there was a two day war. when bush was elected there was speculating that president bush would deal with sad om. after 911 the administration seemed to be looking for an excuse to go to war with Iraq. i was at school in Canada when the war broke out. i was against it but i was impressed how quicky it went. then it went shower. it coast the republicans Congress in 2006. the troop surge was a huge success. the war in Iraq was one of the big est on going events of this decade.
three election 2000 recount
in 2000 bil Clinton was term limited. the republicans hoped they coud get a republican in the white house. the Evangelicals loved george bush. the democrats felt like they had more to do. both sides wanted to win. the elction was reily close. it was a month of recounts dimples chads. the vote was never fished. the supreme court ruled that the votes could not be counted and bush was ahead so he should be president. the Democrats couture to think he stole the election.
one 911
the defining moment of this first decade. the world would never be the same. i remember getting up and turning on the TV and seeing what had happened. America would be in a war on terror. the republicans and Democrats would come together like never before for a while. its has been years and we have forgot in a bit. life has gone back to normal. i think we Will never forget.


  1. New or Lyons! ROFL! A true, new classic of the "innerwebs".

  2. New or Lions? I choose "New".

  3. Oh man, this was funny the first time I read it...when I hit it for the second time it was even better.

    Can you believe this is the writing of a generally A/B student? It is. And he doesn't need any help either. Nope, he gets a 90 or above on tests.

    Emily said so.

    I don't think Jesus likes it very much when you lie...

  4. Uh, may I suggest remedial spelling and/or language arts? I think I lost some brain cells just trying to read that...

  5. Unfortunately i think eye Will never forget reeding that.

  6. I've seen writing like that. It looks like my 7-year-old second grader's writing.

  7. People insult 8th graders when they insist that Dan writes that well. He honestly doesn't write better than an average second or third grader...or maybe 4th, if I am really, really generous.

  8. Even though I read the post, it took me three or four times saying out loud "New Or Lions". Good heavens I honestly feel bad for Dan.

  9. Is it just me or is there no #2 in that countdown. I fully admit that his writing is difficult to read and I could have missed it.

  10. I think this blog post of his was a two part series LOL!! Hopefully the other part will get published too.

  11. Anon 2:55,

    Thank you so much. I am still laughing at "New or lions? I choose new" a day later.

  12. Reading Dan's posts is like playing Mad Libs.

  13. While I am the first one to hop on the Snark-On-Dan-Short-Bus, I have to admit that it really saddens me to read this again. Oh, the first time I blew Diet Coke all over my computer screen. I will never call New Orleans anything but new or lions again.

    But look at it this way - THIS is the head of the household to whom Emily submits. All their future plans and financial future rests in the hands of a man who writes like a very special needs second grader. If the kids aren't getting fresh veggies and fruits now do you think they will when they're living in a semi-trailer mobile home and Dan's the pastor of a two person congregation church?

    It just makes me sad for the kids. Especially since Emily refuses to admit there's any problem at all. In fact, the more we've pushed it and mentioned it the firmer she insists that Dan is brilliant. Sigh.

  14. wait, an *adult* wrote this? i'm a newcomer to the emily thing and just assumed that the blog post had been written by a child. good god.

  15. This stuff cracks me up! I wonder if he even understands some of the words he misspells? You don't have to have parody's...these people are to funny their own. I just wish they weren't hurting 3 kids in the process of their mayhem and foolishness.

  16. Holy shit that is supposed to be New Orleans? Are you fucking kidding me?

  17. OMG! I admit it is funny, but it is also very sad.
