Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is Anyone Still On Dna's Facebook or Twitter?

Or on Emily's real Facebook? Have they updated anything at all?

I'm really starting to get worried about that family. Emily was so unhinged at the end, and she wasn't the most balanced person to begin with. I really hope the children and Dna are okay and that she hasn't decided to limit their food even more.

She was very addicted to blogging and the adoration she got from it that I just can't see her stopping cold turkey.


  1. I have Emily on my FB, but she hasn't posted anything. Hasn't been at Frugal Hacks, either.

  2. lets hope this is not a ploy to get ppl to click her site again . i hope theyre ok though & nothing has happend .

  3. I went so far as to check out their local newspaper for any stories on them recently. Thankfully, nothing. I am truely worried about them.


  4. No sightings of snippy em and dna but I think I've found her dream home and it's free if she'll drive to Dallas and lug it home:

    My guess is that she's started a super sekret blog totally distancing herself from her previous blog craziness. I think even arrogant, hard headed emily was stung by the, not nasty, but very realistic comments on her "leafy greens are a rip off" post at frugal hacks. Even the crazy frugal fundies over there called her on her bullshit. She just won't admit that SHE doesn't like vegetables so SHE doesn't buy or cook them for her family even tho THEY desparately need them. Her concession--2 leaves of lettuce and one green onion every month shared by 5 every month.

  5. I have her on FB but she hasn't been there in quite awhile. Someone else posted this week's Wed. edition for FH.

    Oh, she has to be around. she wouldn't go cold turkey. Maybe she is using her maiden name??


  6. I did a quick search for blogs with Emily and her maiden name and didn't come up with anything that looked remotely like something she would do, you know, sane stuff.

    I wasn't really thorough though. I'd post her maiden name here but I think posting identifying info is against the rules. It's pretty easy to find though.

  7. I hope they're just relaxing off-line for a little while. They so totally need to do that. Though with Em's internet attention addiction, I agree with the other posters' ideas that she's back at it, but we just don't know about it yet...

  8. Here's another living idea for dear emily.

    She can buy a used oil tanker, wipe it out with her cheesemaking dress and the move in. Here's DNA having to sleep behind the front seats, emily sprawled out comfortably on the one bed (right next to her computer so she can delete comments in her sleep), and the 20 kids are hanging up next to the toilet. The cow they found by the side of the road gets to sleep in the living room.

  9. I am kind of worried too. Dan hasn't posted anything, even to say hey we're okay. I wonder if the BIble Church of the Basement leadership told them to stop. I worry more about the kids than I do the adults.

    My son lives in a little house out back, it's 13x11 and it has a fridge, no sink and no bathroom. I figured if you take out the shelves or just use wall shelving, you can put a double bed and 3 cribs/little beds in there. You could put a porta potty outside, and get a tent for the coleman stove and voila, perfect place for Em and Dan and the brood Since it's southern CA, winters aren't harsh.

  10. I think your right with saying that someone from Dna's church or college said something to them. They might be checking up on it to, just to make sure Emily stopped. I went to a really strict Bible College and I could see them monitoring the web sites just to keep them accountable, not to mention to protect their own image.

  11. So, maybe they no longer have access to the internet? Their budget was really tight. Maybe they were forced to spend more $$ feeding the family?

  12. anon 9:49 - now that is just silly. Why would they need to spend more money to feed the growing family. The crock pot is big enough.

  13. Emily's dream

  14. Where is Giz? I know that she and Emily had an email relationship. Maybe she would answer an email from Gizmola letting her know that tthe family is ok???

  15. Maybe enough people called CPS and they're finally being investigated?

  16. ^
    That would be great!
    I hope those boys get the help they need.

  17. Will Ask Aunt Fundy come back? It really was fun to read.....Giz we miss ya.

  18. I should have more time to do some Aunt Fundie this coming week.

    I am actually worried about Emily. Maybe it's something innocuous like a move or cutting out internet in order to pay for fresh veggies. I agree that she's too addicted to the internet stuff to just give it up.

  19. I keep googling around and come up empty. I did type in her name(maiden) & found she was on the Honours roll in 2004 at her high school...if it's the right Emily.


  20. According to a regular commentor on FJ who reported emily and dna to CPS, the commentor received an email from CPS letting them know that a home visit had been done.

  21. Did CPS say if anything was found?

  22. Any more info???? Hopefully those boys are safe now.

  23. I wouldn't imagine that CPS would reveal that information.

    It's unlikely that CPS would have taken the kids as unfortunately CPS has incredibly low standards for what is considered neglect, filth, danger, starvation, etc. The most they probably did is tell her that her babies cannot sleep on piss stained blankets under a crib and that she has should take them to the dr's for well visits, etc.

  24. This is probably why Emily has gone quiet.

    Posted on Free Jinger in the Emily Part 5 thread:

    I will add another clue to this mystery-After she posted the pictures of the Bedroom of Death, I sent an email to the president of Bible College of the Holy Basement, with the link to the blog and how I was concerned for the health and well being of the family. I received back a standard email, thanking for the interest in the Bible College of the Holy Basement and the information that I requested would be forwarded to me within the week. So I figured it fell on deaf ears. Sometime last week I received a letter from the president of b]Bible College of the Holy Basement[/b by snail mail, which I only open on Sunday morning. Here is the letter, I edited out all names.
    Dear Mrs. XXXX
    Thank you for your letter of concern regarding one of our student’s,XXXXX and his family. At our educational institution we try not to invade our students’ private lives unless we see that they are living a life that is not in line with our mission and values. However, after reading the information that you forwarded us and much prayer, we at XXXXX decided to take action. I am not at liberty to tell you the action that we have taken, however you will be happy to know that it will help XXXX and his family see the glory of God and the plans that he has for them.
    We at XXXX want all our students see their future and that of their family, as servants of God and serve him in the way he has planned. Sometimes, they lose sight of their Godly mission, due to family, society and financial stresses. I want to let you know that we care about our students and their family and will minister to them through these tough times; however many times they keep those issues hidden from us. You, has a person with Christ in your Heart did the right thing about bring this situation to our attention. In Christ’s name we want thank you for that. Rest assures we are working with the XXXX family to get their life back in line with the plans that God has for them.

    Your servant in Christ Name
    President of Bible College of the Holy Basement

    Then they put in an envelope requesting a donation to the Bible College of the Holy Basement. Which went into the recyle bin.
    I am hoping that they are getting the help they need not just some church mombo jumbo, like having Little Dan enrolled in Head Start, taking WIC and food stamps, going to the doctors and the big thing is Emily getting some psychiatry help. Plus maybe an older couple from the church are helping her clean up the [b][Aparment of Death/b] and working with her on her parenting skills. I can only hope.
    I have no guilt in sending the email and I am happy that someone is doing something. I care about those three little boys and want them to have a happy and healthly place to live. I could care less about God's plan for them I want them to be happy and healthly.

  25. Thank GOD they are getting help!

  26. Good job, anon who sent the letter. Thank heavens they intervened!! And hopefully those little ones are getting what they need now. It's good to see the college caring about them!

  27. Whoops, I see who it was now at FJ, and it was not the aforementioned anon. Excuse me! lol I need to work on my critical reading skills, evidently.

  28. That looks like a forgery. That just doesn't sound right.

    "I am not at liberty to tell you the action that we have taken"

    "Sometimes, they lose sight of their Godly mission"

    "You, has a person with Christ in your Heart did the right thing about bring this situation to our attention."

    --It just sounds more like the standard FJ interpretation of a Christian than an actual Christian.

    Also, doubting Emily actually let the CPS people in her apartment without a warrant. She seems like one of those types. Also doubting that CPS would be updating anyone on the status of the investigation. I think all of these Emily "updates" are fraud.

  29. Anon 7:05 pm

    I think you are wrong. There are only a couple of things that would have made emily go completely quiet and those include knowing that CPS is monitoring her via her postings, which she would know they were going to do once they visited her, and interference from DNA's school or their church. Emily didn't just stop posting because she felt like it.

    I also don't think the person who posted a copy of the letter from the church of the holy basement would risk the legal ramifications of intentionally misreprenting correspondence from the president of the church of the holy basement.

    I have filed a CPS report and did indeed receive follow up information that a visit was made--no details about the visit but just that a visit was made.

    Obviously you don't spend much time around fundies because that is NOT an exageration of how some of them speak and write.

  30. fyi she just let through a bunch of comments, so she's obviously logged into her site to approve them.

  31. what am i missing? i don't see any comments past 3/11...

  32. Actually, letters are generally sent to the reporter to let them know the status of the report. Information beyond "thank you for your report on XXX family" and "an investigation/home visit has been conducted" are generally not provided. I do not find it surprising at all that CPS would notify the reporter. As a mandated reporter, I get numerous letters such as these.

  33. i don't beleive these updates either. i dont think anyone heard from cps or the president of the holy basement. i think you guys are trying to bait emily. get a life. plus the college of the holy basement school isn't that fundie. there's a girl in jeans on the home page (no skirts) and a girl speaker on the chapel schedule (women aren't supposed to speak in church according to fundies), so i don't believe that is a real letter. lyers.

  34. DNA get off the computer your the LYER....seriously get spell check you fucking loser.

  35. I don't see any comments on her blog either.


  36. Lyer, lyer, pants on fire... With, umm, lye?

    She deleted the Emily Under facebook page. That, or I'm blocked.

  37. The facebook page is still up. She has not posted to it, but it is not deleted.

  38. LOL Lye, isn't that soap, or something that goes into soap? You know..that stuff Emily should be using to clean the piss soaked blankets and maybe wash her kids with?
    I've never heard of a lyer, but I have hear of a liar..hmm.

    Moving on I recently called DYFS in NJ on a family member and I got a letter telling me that my call was being investigated so I absolutely believe the post about that. As for the Church of the Holy Basement, they might have just written the letter to get the donation-you know; thinking that if they make the person who contacted them feel like they are being taken seriously they might send a few bucks back to them.

    I can totally see Emily switching denominations to a more like minded(see brainwashed) group of people, who understand that it's ok for kids to sleep under cribs, on the floor and who understand she's not starving them-she's making their connecton to God more clear by not clouding their minds with other stuff. Perhaps they'll start their own cult of brainwashed people who eat tube meat and coffee can lettuce.

    All that said-Does anyone remember when she said she was going to drop the free insurance from the state for her kids, and if you do remember-did she follow through with it?

  39. I don't think she did drop the insurance because of what happened to Little DNA. I doubt they could afford to pay the bill with their lack of income even if she made huge (not that I believe that one moment) $$ blogging.

    and DNA go buy a dictionary with your employee discount. Or get MS Word with spellcheck.

  40. Anon 2:04-- it's pretty sad that your definition of "not that fundie" is allowing a woman to be photographed wearing pants and to speak aloud in public.

  41. I called CPS too and got a letter (email) telling me that they were going to be sending a case worker to the house. They sent a follow-up after just letting me know that they had been there and a investigation was done. Nothing further.

  42. Most of you are just a bunch of nasty, jealous, self-centered bullies. Worried? I bet! All over this country, bullying is being outlawed and prosecuted. They need to start here, too, the blog of the bully with under 1000 brain cells. And you who called the CPS. I am appalled that someone would send CPS based on a blog. You're probably some selfish yuppy with one kid or a DINK who thinks children are nasty. Or you're jealous and want to hurt everyone who loves children. There are so many children living in really bad conditions, whose parent don't love them - and you go and persecute someone who loves her children.

  43. Hollering "your just jealous" like a the petulant child you are just shows how immature you truly are.

    People who were really worried called to get your sons some help. Hopefully one day you will realize you were wrong.

  44. Emily, emily, I thought better of you. CPS did you a favor and one day when you are old and grey you'll thank them.

  45. Even if we are DINKS there is nothing wrong him ms Emee and DNA>AT least we don't go on having children and abusing them.

  46. I love how apprently having one child (or no children) because that's all you can afford makes you "selfish," but having as many as you want, just because you want them, with no regard for your ability to afford to feed and clothe them, simply means you "love children." I mean, who knew that when it comes to parenting, quantity is more important than quality?

  47. And of course, I meant "apparently." Being annoyed = poor typing skills.

  48. Such venom! You should probably pray about that.

  49. Hey Anon 11:03,
    You just described my sister in law to a t. It bothers me to no end that this chick was already on wic because she couldn't afford to feed, diaper or provide medical for, so she does the "intelligant thing" and goes out dating- so what's she do; gets a new boyfriend who wants his own baby so she purposely gets knocked up, again-knowing she can not feed, cloth, diaper or even buy a teddy bear for her first baby. She had 2 kids by 2 fathers in 2 years, neither of which she can afford-but she's a "good mother" and i'm a "hippy feminist" because we only have one child because we can only afford one child.
    When asked what makes her a good mother after she lowers her children's standard of living(and they want more mind you), it's because she "loves" her kids. (mind you she's 22 years old no education and her youngest is a year,the other 3). It's all ok though, because she prays every nght.

    These people make me sick. Forcing kids to live in filth, not admitting they can't cook instead throwing together slop, and being just the right mix of stupid and mean when confronted with it. Emily might be a huge PITA but atleast she's not going out like my inlaws, buying new Durrangos, committing federal fraud and failing to report their marriage so they can keep collecting, buying pure bred dogs, and new xbox, not to mention the 3 unpaid vacations they take a year because they need a break.

    I don't think much of Em or DNA, but atleast he works and she doesn't shop. The system is so screwed up in this country. Sigh..

  50. Goodness. You'd think DNA would be mart enough to at least run his "lyer" post through a spell check considering how mocked he's been. Though it was still better than Emily's "jealous" one.

  51. Anyone getting nasty anonymous messages on their blog? I got one and it was written Emily style. She commented on my Mom......way off limits.

    Emily, grow a set and take care of your own family.

  52. Wow. Not very Christian of her, is it? Someone needs to get out of her scummy kitchen and attend some church.

  53. so is this site done now? I thought you guys were going to do some more Aunt Fundy stuff? Or parody other blogs. I really enjoyed them.

  54. from free jinger:

    Dan May 16 at 8:04pm Reporti dont know where the rumors came form. cps has never visited us. we are fine. we decided to lay low for a while.ME May 16 at 8:12pm
    People are very worried and praying for your family. People are afraid that you and your children are not getting enough to eat because Emily limits the amount of food you eat. People also contacted your school regarding your family. Can you post an update letting everyone know you and your family is ok.

    Dan May 17 at 11:17am Reportnone of that is true. cps was not contacted or if they were they never visited us. if my shcool was contacted they did not take it seriusly. i beleve that note was not true. it was filled with steritypes of fundies. they dont need mony that bad that they would include a donaiton reqest with a letter of that nature. i think misinformaiton is being out out.

  55. Looks like everybody has disappeared.Maybe that is her strategy.Keep quiet untill everything dies down,then open another new blog.

  56. I'm not buying any of Dan's explanations. For Emily to make such a big fuss over the closet "room" makeover and be as high and might as she was, there is no way she would lay low on purpose.

    There is something that made her do this. Who knows if it was the landlord, the church, or CPS, but it's clear that someone stepped in to help those kids.

    Emily is staying quiet to let things simmer down. When she thinks people have forgotten her, she'll be back again sharing her tips on how to buy tube meat at the dollar store and how to control your husband by making him drink fake "soda".

  57. "When she thinks people have forgotten her"
    Oh... but we'll never forget. We're here. Lurking. And waiting... LOL.

  58. No, no, people will not forget. I think people like her forget that when you put stuff online, it's out there forever. We know all about the fabric hanging shelves and the nasty matress with no sheets under her baby crib.

    Unless she is smart and stops posting pictures of her family and takes up a totally new identity online, people will always know about her lifestyle. Quite frankly, I don't think she's a good enough actress to pull that off.

  59. Misery loves company I guess. You people need to get lives. Worried? You just want to bully her some more. The starter of this blog is also a loser herself who hates children and can't find anyone to marry her. Suck it up!

    The blog starter has enough problems in her crappy life, she shouldn't be worrying about someone. Same as the rest of you losers.

    Live and let live.

  60. It's quite rich of you to make fun of how Emily feeds her kids when you live on Lean Cuisine and fast food. Jealous much? I guess she has a happy home and you don't. I can't stand hypocrites who pulls apart the lives of others when they don't even look in the mirror at themselves.

    How low can people stoop? You must be so miserable to be so full of hate.

  61. Hi, Emily! I'm glad your internet is still working. We've missed you!

  62. Ooooohhhhhhh......
    I'm shaking in my boots because big, bad Emily told us what to do.

    Aren't the rest of you?

    No? I didn't think so. Me either.

    In a way, I almost feel sorry for her. Keyword is almost. Then I think of her little boys and I push those thoughts right out of my head.

    Emily dear, don't point fingers. You did this to yourself the moment you made your entire private life public for the sake of making ad money. At least you did help your children by doing this if it's true that CFS did pay you a visit because others were concerned enough to report you.

  63. Emily, if you are so worried about what we think why don't you go back to your beloved blogging. We'd love to see pictures of the new apartment and see how Therese is thriving. We'd like to see Dan not looking like a starving refugee and the boys being able to be boys.

    Happy June!

  64. Obviously if we aren’t eating copious amounts of tube meat with book/dress made living room cheese we must be eating frozen boxed meals. I mean, come on, there is no way any of us "bullies" could possibly muster up enough brain power to cook a nutritious meal with fresh veggies, lean meat and quality carbs. Duh!

  65. Em is probably just too busy talking to the FBI about her huge money making page being copied and they are so busy tracking people down 1 by 1.

  66. The FBI won't care. But who knows what horrible people are plotting in their little caves? Better let DHS know so they can stage a raid with ICE, CBP and JTTF. (Acronyms, not people run the government).

  67. Any updates? I haven't checked Dan's blog. Emily's two are in my blog reader with no updates. I'm guessing she is done? Question is, her choice or intervention? Hope the guys are OK.

  68. From what I have read last Dna and Emily were looking for a new place to live. Apparently the land lord knew about Emily being pregnant but didn't know about all of the children that they had living in their apartment.

  69. Where did you read that?

  70. This was taken off Dan's twitter awhile ago so I'm guessing the school either put a stop to their crazy living situation due to the backlash they got or he just wasn't cut out for it from the get out.

    Dan Jamey Pierce: not going back to nebc in the fall more news to come later
    18 hours ago via Twitter · Comment · LikeUnlike · @ghostdp on Twitter
    Ron Grossman: This is good
    18 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Dan Jamey Pierce: not sure. it was not going to work this year. i need to do some christian service to graduate and i had no time to do it. i have some docternal differences with the school. it needed to be.
    6 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    * Write a comment...

  71. looks like emily/dan check 1000braincells a whole lot.

  72. Looks like this blog has been succesful in forcing them to stop blogging.Wonder where they are right now

  73. Hi Emily and Dan and all the kiddos,
    Holiday greetings and I hope things are well for you. I hope that your life has changed for the better and you've seen the light.
    Merry Christmas.

  74. Had a fourth boy, just day ago, hospital birth by sounds of it. So that's 4 don't know if they're still in that apartment or not. Merry Christmas to all

  75. 4 now! Wow. I really hope they are not in that little tiny apartment anymore. I can't help but feel badly for those children though.

  76. Found on Facebook
    Dan Jamey Pierce sory that non abounding grace maters have ben poasted hear. the high prest wil have tpo decide if they are foprgivin or not.
    16 may 2010, 18:20

  77. While I was up in the middle of the night last week cleaning up after my four children's vomit, I was thinking about Emily. I wondered, now that she has four children, what she would do if they all had the flu at the same time. How would she wash the 15 loads of laundry I had to do over 36 hours? I imagined her turing 10 sets of sheets in that little salad spinner she called a washing machine and I had myself a little giggle. tehe. I'd love to see a blog entry on that. Imagine all the children naked (because they only have 4 sets of clothes each) on bare solied matresses (because all the linen has vomit on it) waiting for their keifer lemonaid while Dan shoved his face with gloodles.... Actually, I'm sure that's not far from the truth...and pretty sad.

  78. bare solied matresses (because all the linen has vomit on it) waiting for their keifer lemonaid while Dan shoved his face with gloodles.... Actually, I'm sure that's not far from the truth...and pretty sad. discount memory foam mattress

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