Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Tweet from Dan

"maine does not have cps. "

Of course Maine has a CPS. Did Emily tell you that Maine is the only state in the whole country that doesn't have child protection laws?


  1. Uh oh, somebody's worried

  2. WTF? Seriously? He doesn't think they have a child protective service in Maine? Wow.

  3. Uh, hello stupid! Try the Department of Human Services (unless it has changed in the last ten years...)

  4. Here Dan, check this out... You might change your tune.

  5. Come on, if it's Dna typing, then he can't possibly mean "CPS!" What else could he have been thinking of?

    Maine does not have cops?
    Maine does not have cups?
    Maine does not have crepes?

  6. Anon 2:51 you are freaking hysterical! Maine does not have crepes.

  7. I don't think Dan typed that. Everything is spelled right.

  8. Sounds like she is afraid they will be showing up at her door.

  9. This is coming from a guy who is going to Bible college in a basement, at an unaccredited school that can only issue a bachelor's degree, which isn't even going to qualify him to be a pastor. Most denominations require the pastor to have at least a masters of divinity.

    The Gruesome Twosome need to consult The Google a little more carefully before they start spouting off on things.

  10. Maine don't care 'bout no piss-soaked mattresses!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. LMAO! They are really worried now. Is DNA that dumb to believe Emily that there is no CPS in Maine? Why yes he is. After all, Emily knows everything! Yeah. DNA didn't write that.

  13. where did you find his twitter? and where are the free jounal sites?

  14. Anonymous,

  15. Ummm...really? So what Dan is trying to say is, "Maine doesn't care about protecting children." Sorry Dan, try again. They absolutely care, and will bust your a$$ if they find anything fishy.

  16. Dan's latest Tweet: want to know how i feel about emilys frugality check out her post tomrow

  17. Oh! Something to look forward to! Emily is going ot be raking in the bucks tomorrow with another controversial post!

  18. Dude can't spell sh*t most of the time... now he can spell frugality??? Emily runnin' everything around there... even Dan's twitter.

  19. I just chekced his blog, and he knows CPS is called DHS where he lives. He just wanted to see what people would say. I think he has a sense of humor! That's a good thing! He also doesn't seem to be defensive like Emily. He posted earlier today that he doesn't mid of people have conflicting opinions from his on his blog.

  20. Maybe he dictated his tweet to her.

  21. Dna can't even spell his kids' names correctly and now his last two comments on his blog are spelled correctly except for a missing apostrophe in "it's"?

    I'm thinking our Em yanked the keyboard from him when she saw he was putting out comments that didn't line up with her way of thinking. How dare he have his own ideas! The nerve!

  22. I bet Emily's really getting pissed at DNA now!

  23. Psst...the only "its" in his last entries is correctly punctuated.

  24. s/b "i know it's dhs" (contraction of it is) instead of "its dhs"... however, it looks like he deleted another short comment - can't remember what it said, but it's no longer there.

  25. Awww DNA's tweets are now private. :(

  26. My apologies. I was looking at the rant of dan blog, not the tweets.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I did a good thing. I explained the difference between the DHS (bad- brought you the TSA) and the DHHS---Good for the kids of Maine.

  29. Okay, I've asked this on Emily' blog and, surprise, it didn't make it on the board. Perhaps someone on here wonders, too, though.

    If we decadent Americans are so disgusting with the amount of money and space and cleaning products that we utilize, and DNA wants to be a minister...WHY don't they go drag their children to some mud hut in one of these poverty stricken foreign lands she idolizes so much? Although I don't know if a shanty made of buffalo dung would get Sirius radio or have wifi.

  30. To Anon 6:53 That is an absolutely great question. I don't think I've ever heard anyone bring that up before. (But then again, I'm not all that observant). Shouldn't her faith compel her to preach salvation to anyone? There are plenty of missionaries who serve in poor countries. I guess you hit on the answer, though, she is addicted to *some* first world conveniences and wouldn't be able to give them up. And, too, I suppose "hoarding" is looked down upon in foreign missions.

  31. Emily can't be a martyer in a third world country.

  32. Saint Therese de KefiroFebruary 11, 2010 at 10:26 PM

    Maine Department of Health and Human Services- Adult/Child Abuse Neglect Hotline has been notified. Their telephone number is toll-free: 1-800-452-1999. They were given all the info and URL to her blog. The caseworker was horrified at what little bit I told her. She was having someone from their computer department print out the entire blog, so she can make a point-by-point listing of items to check on. The caseworker even admitted the hospitalization of Danny was odd nad is requesting the medical records. Patient-doctor priviledge and HIPPA regulations do not apply when their is abuse suspected. Emily is flying her broom on the radar now.

    She can expect the knock on her door any day now.

    I hope they save her children.

    Please call, if you want to save her children. Can you imagine having been raised by this sick bitch?

  33. The pissy mattress on the floor really sent me over the edge. That, and the lamp in the bathroom. WTF? My 9 year old would know that's not safe! That apartment is too small for all those people.

    I believe, if I remember correctly, someone called CPS on her about a month ago. She said they came in and nosed around and then left. If that's true, it could be that she is faking all this to generate blog income. For her children's sake, I hope it's true. I also hope she is exposed if that is the case.

  34. Maybe if we keep calling, eventually someone will save her boys.

  35. She said someone from CPS looked at her blog and declaired her family ok. No one came to her home.

  36. Someone should send along pictures of the boys "trundle crib" since Emily has since taken them down.

  37. "Someone should send along pictures of the boys "trundle crib" since Emily has since taken them down."

    If she is changing anything in her home or taking down pictures or posts from her blog it is because she knows it's neglectful and could get her in trouble with CPS.

  38. The crib pics are still up as far as I can see.

  39. cribs pics are still up but I bet she will take them down soon.....she has switched other pics from previous posts.

  40. Here in New England its usually called DSS, not CPS, but its the same thing.

    They are complete idiots.

  41. I can only imagine that Child Welfare was already notified by the hospital when they suspected that little Dan drank anti-freeze.

  42. I can see CPS maybe not taking the kids if they were to show up at her house, but I definitely think that they would at least "encourage" her to clean up and "encourage" her to take advantage of WIC. Sadly, I know that sometimes abuse or neglect have to be extremely severe for CPS to actually take the kids away. I honestly think that Emily just needs the strong arm of the law to scare some reason into her and her husband.

  43. The sheetless mattress on the floor is shameful. I live in Michigan and keep our heat around 65 and my little one can't sleep well without flannel sheets and a blanket sleeper during the winter. I can't imagine that poor baby sleeping on a cold nasty mattress under a damn crib when the heat's at 50. She's cruel. What kind of mother would do that to their child? I would sleep on the couch before my baby was on a sheetless, cold, piss stained mattress wedged under a damn crib! Shame on Emily and Dan. They're selfish a$$holes and should quit having babies and hurling their crazy all over the web. I hope CPS intervenes. Yes there are worse cases, but there's something incredibly twisted about ther bragging about failing to properly provide for her family.

  44. That's awesome and how funny are you? I was looking for Apartment Listings and I couldn't find anything, but your post was so funny!!!
